[Designated Class 2 Drugs] Utsu Children's Cough Syrup A 120ml

[Designated Class 2 Drugs] Utsu Children's Cough Syrup A 120ml

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商品重量:0.181 kg
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Designated Category 2 Medical Products] Utsu こどもせきどめシロップA (120ml)

【Product desciption】

Strawberry Flavored Cough Drops for Kids Serum containing high quality ingredients effective for cough and phlegm in children. Contains herbal ingredients to speed up the healing effect and soothe discomfort. Caffeine free.


cough, phlegm

Take 3 times a day after meals and before going to bed if necessary. Please take it about 4 hours apart.
8 to 11 years old: 10ml
5 to 8 years old: 6.5ml
Age 3 and under: 5ml
Under 1 and under 3 years: 4ml
Over 3 months and under 1 year: 2ml
Less than 3 months: Do not take.


【Features of the product】
せき, たん

・なきやたんに effect
エキスを with し, せきをしずめ, たんを出しやすくします.
・お子さまのことをええ, やさしい prescription (ノンシュガー・
ノンカフェイン・ノンコデイン) and safe containers are used.

◇ノンシュガー: Sugar を っていないので, 歯をgrinding いた
でも Drink ませられます.
◇ノンカフェイン: カフェインを contains んでいないので sleep を
Please げません.
◇ノンコデイン: The ingredients of the コデイン system contain んでいません.
◇Relief container: cut れにくいプラスチックボトルで, お子さまが
開けにくいSecurity キャップを adopts しました.

3 months before the end of the month: take させないでください
3~11ヶmonth: 1 time 2ml
1~2 days: 1 time 4ml
3~4 days: 1 time 5ml
5~7 days: 1 time 6.5ml
8~10 days: 1 time 10ml
・Take it three times a day after eating and before going to bed if necessary.
Only for occasions, about 4 hours, 6 times a day, 6 times a day, すること
※ごに國しては, "Caution on use" をよく読んで正しく
ご Use ください.

【Ingredients and quantities】
(in 60ml)
Deodorized Hydrogen Acid 30mg
dl-acid メチルエフェドリン 37.5mg
グアイフェネシン 100mg
d-マレイン Acid クロルフェニラミン 3mg
ナンテンジツエキス (converted amount of raw herbs) 109mg (600mg)
キキョウエキス (converted amount of raw herbs) 40mg (400mg)

【ご Attention】
・2-year-old baby girl, doctor's diagnosis and treatment を Receive け さ せ る こ と を priority,
Only take させてください on occasions when it stops.
・Destination められた usage and dosage
・Children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
・Occasion to take it for small children

Utsu life-saving pill

(Fengxie 薬かぜ薬子ども for use with シロップ liquid)
(cough stop め せ き stop め cough せ き)

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