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【Designated 2nd class of medicinal products】BoraギノールA squat boraginoru A hemorrhoid suppository (10pcs/30pcs)
【Designated Class 2 Drugs】boraginoru Hemorrhoids M 30
BRIZA 肛門止癢水凝膠 15g【第3類医薬品】
[Designated 2 drugs] Zeria Shinyaku Dolmine H Ointment Hemorrhoid Ointment H 12g
[Designated second-class medicinal herbs] Prisa Hemorrhoids S Suppository T 30 pcs
【Second Class Drugs】 Takeda Hemorrhoid Ointment M 20g
[Class 2 medicines] KOBAYASHI Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Hemorrhoids Sublingual Tablets 20 Capsules/Box
【第2類医薬品】KOBAYASHI小林製藥 痔瘡舌下含錠 40錠/盒
【Designated Class 2 Medicines】 Prisa Bleeding Pain Relief Ointment 15g
[Designated second-class medicinal products] Taisho Pharmaceutical Hemorrhoid Capsules 10
【Designated Class 2 Medical Healing Products】 Takeda Hemorrhoid Cream 20g
[Designated second-class medicinal herbs] Treatment of hemorrhoids injection ointment 2g * 10 pieces
【Designated Class 2 Healing Products】Copy of Hemorrhoids Infusion Ointment 2g*30pcs