
【Designated 2nd class of medicinal products】BoraギノールA squat boraginoru A hemorrhoid suppository (10pcs/30pcs)

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商品重量:0.033 kg
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【Designated Class 2 Medical Products】Boradura Acupuncture

【product details】
Relieve pain, bleeding, swelling and itching from hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids

Remove the capsule and insert the following amount into the anus.
Age / Dosage / Times of use per day Adult (15 years old and over) ・ ・ ・ 1 day (1-2 times)
Do not use under the age of 15

【Ingredients】 1 piece (1.75g)
Prednisolone acetate ··· 1mg (Inhibits inflammation, reduces bleeding, swelling and itching.)
Lidocaine・・・ 60mg (Relieves local pain and itching.)
Allantoin・・・ 20mg (Treats wounds and repairs tissues.)
Vitamin E acetate (tocopheryl acetate) 50mg (promotes peripheral blood circulation and improves congestion.)

【Precautions for usage and dosage】
If the medicine is soft, let it cool for a while before using it.
If it is too hard, use it after it becomes soft.
For anal use only. Strictly follow the usage and dosage.

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


Distinguish medicines for general use
Classification of Hemorrhoids External Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids
Acknowledging the name
Product name ボラギノール A seat
Product name (読み) ボラギノールAザザイ
The product's special features 1.4 kinds of ingredients are がはたらいて, hemorrhoids よる pain, bleeding, は れ か ゆ み に す ぐ れ た effect し ま す.
● プレドニゾロンエステルが bleeding, はれ, かゆみをおさえ, リドカインが pain み, かゆみをしずめます.
●The treatment of アラントインをたすけ tissue repairs するとともに, ビタミンE acid エステルが blood circulation を improvement を を た す け ま す.
2. The effect is not long, the body temperature is good, and the body temperature is good.
● stimulate が less な く insert し や す い oily base が つ た affected part を protection し, スムーズな defecation をたすけます.
● アルミシートに入った White ~ わずかに Yellow みをおびたWhite の Si剤です.
Note on use
(Shou ら な い と present symptoms が 悪 Hua し た り, side effects が こ り や す く な る)
1.次の人はUse しないこと
(1) Ingredient of this genitalia によりアレルギー symptoms をこしたことがある person.
(2) The affected part is purulent.
2. Long-term use しないこと
■Talk about すること
1. 2nd person は Before use, doctor, pharmacist, log in and talk to the seller
(1) The doctor's treatment is subject to the person.
(2) Pregnant women または pregnancy していると思われる people.
(3) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms をこしたことがある people.
2. After use, secondary symptoms, occasions, side effects, possibility of side effects, direct use, discontinuation, physicians, physicians, registration with dealers, chat with dealers

[Relationship Site: Symptoms]
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ, はれ
そのother: irritation, suppuration

ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ る.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment

[Name of symptom: symptom]
ショック (アナフィラキシー): After use, すぐに, skin のかゆみ, じんましん, sound かすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, pain relief, palpitation, turbidity of consciousness, etc.

3. 10 day-time use, symptoms, symptoms, occasions, use, discontinuation, physicians, physicians, registered salespersons, and chats.
Performance related note
Usage and dosage are wrapped を except き, and the second amount is inserted into the anus.

[Year: 1 time: the number of times used a day]
Adult (over 15 years old): 1: 1~2 times
15 years old: use しないこと

Usage related attention (1) When sitting on the ground, it is soft and ら かい occasions に は, し ば ら く cold や し た に す る こと.
Cold time, low temperature, storage, sitting, hard, occasion, hand, surface, use, after.
(2) Anal にのみ uses すること.
(3) Usage and dosage
Ingredient quantity 1 (1.75g)
ingredient amount
エステル エステル プレドニゾロン acetic acid 1mg
Doricaine 60mg
Arantion 20mg
Tokofelor 50mg
Additives ハードファット
Precautions for storage and retrieval (1) This product is stored at 1~30℃.
・The body temperature is melted, and it is designed so that it can be kept in direct sunlight.
・After opening the package, please put it in the outer box and put it in the outer box, and keep it in a state of standing.
(2) Storage below 0°C.
(3) Xiaoer's hand is kept at the place where it is kept.
(4) His container is replaced by えないこと (the reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わる).
(5) After the expiration date of the product, use it.
(6) After the insertion of the original insert, I will pay attention to it when I get out of it.

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