
【Designated Class 2 Medicines】イブクイック Headache Medicine DX EVE QUICK Pain Reliever DX 40 Tablets/Box

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【Product Description】

EVE QUICK Pain Relief DX contains 200mg of pain relief ingredients,
The dosage is exactly the same as "EVE A Tablets EX",
but the pain relief effect is faster.
Magnesium oxide is also added to promote absorption and protect the gastric mucosa.

【For the following situations】

Headache, menstrual pain (physiological pain), shoulder pain, toothache, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, neuralgia, low back pain, pain after tooth extraction, ear pain, fracture pain, sprain pain, trauma pain, fever and chills


Adult (over 15 years old): 3 times a day, 2 tablets each time

*Do not take it under the age of 15 .
*At least 4 hours should be taken between two doses.
Please avoid taking on an empty stomach.

[Ingredient content] (in 2 tablets)

Ibuprofen 200mg
Magnesium oxide 100mg
Allyl isopropyl acetyl urea 60mg
Caffeine Anhydrous 80mg
Additives: Silica, Cellulose, Hydroxypropyl Cellulose, Hypromellose, Macrogol, Magnesium Stearate, Talc, Titanium Oxide


1. Do not take it in the following situations (1) Those who have experienced allergic symptoms due to this drug or the ingredients contained in this drug (2) Those who have experienced asthma after taking this drug or other antipyretic analgesics or cold medicines (3) ) Children under the age of 15 (4) Pregnant women whose expected delivery date is within 12 weeks
2. Do not take any of the following drugs while taking this drug.
Other antipyretic analgesics, cold medicines, sedatives, motion sickness medicines
3. Do not drive vehicles or mechanical devices after taking the medicine (drowsiness may occur).
4. Do not drink alcohol before or after taking it.
5. Do not use it for a long time.

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: Designated second-class medicinal products

【Product details of イブクイック セルフメディケーション tax system object]
● イブクイック Headache DX DX, analgesic ingredient イブプロフェン 200mg per dose, plus gastric mucosal protection, absorption, fast acidification, acidification, and gastric mucosa.
● つ ら い headache に く す ぐ れ た effect を智 wave し, stomach に も や さ し い pain reliever で す.

【Effective effect】

・Headache, Shoulder Pain, Eden Pain, Lunar Pain (Physiological Pain), Sore Throat, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Nerve Pain, Low Back Pain, Pain After Birth, Flutter, Earache, Fracture Pain, Pain Relief, Traumatic Pain・Antipyretic when it is cold and hot

The amount of 1 time of the second time is 2 times a day, and the limit is to take it. Take it more than 6 hours apart.
(annual: 1 time)
Adult (over 15 years old): 2 tablets
15 years ago: take しないこと

★Usage and dosage are related and careful
(1) Usage and dosage
(2) Recipe for taking out of ingots
Ding 剤の入っているPTPシートの convex part を refers to the first strong く 沗して inside アルミ foil を broken り, fetch り し て お drink み く だ さ い. (mistakenly


Ingredients in 2 tablets: Quantity イブプロフェン: 200mg
Acidified マグネシウム: 100mg
アリルイソプロピルアセチル Urea: 60mg
Anhydrous カフェイン: 80mg
Additives: Anhydrous ケイacid, セルロース, ヒdolocys

(Shou ら な い and the current symptoms が 悪 し た り, side effects and accidents が こ り や す く な り ま す.)
1. The person who takes the next time is taking しないでください
(1) The ingredients of the original and the ingredients of the original are those who have symptoms.
(2) The antipyretic and analgesic medicine of the original, and the people who take it with it.
(3) 15 is not a little girl.
(4) Pregnant women who give birth within 12 weeks of the fixed day.
2. Take this medicine and take it as a medicine
Antipyretic and analgesic herbs
3. After taking it, you will be able to operate the machine again after taking it.
(Mianji, etc. があらわれることがあります.)
4. Drinking alcohol before and after taking it
5. Long-term use しないでください
★Talking about すること
1. Before taking the medicine, the doctor, the orthopaedic surgeon, and the pharmacist should also log in and talk to the seller.
(1) Physicians are also treated by physicians.
(2) Pregnant women are pregnant again.
(3) People who are breastfeeding.
(4) The tall ones.
(5) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms are not caused by people.
(6) The times of diagnosis are subject to people. Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, systemic エリテマトーデス, mixed combined tissue disease
(7) The times of illness are people. Gastric/duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
2. After taking, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking it directly, the instructions of the doctor, the doctor, the doctor and the registered seller, please talk to the seller.
(Relationship part: symptom)
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ, cyanosis
Digestive organs: vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, stomach pain, endostomatitis, chest, stomach, gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool
Spiritual deity: めまい
Circulator: throbbing
Respirator: Shiki
そのすみ, ear なり, むくみ, nosebleed, 歯ぐきのbleeding, bleeding がstop まりにくい, bleeding, pain in the back, excessive hypothermia, からだがだるい
ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment
(name of symptom)
ショック (アナフィラキシー) / Mucocutaneous Eye Syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン Syndrome), Toxic Epidermolysis / Liver Dysfunction / Kidney Dysfunction / Aseptic Meningitis / Aplastic Anemia / Agranulocytosis
※For specific symptoms, please add documents and confirm them.
3. After taking, the symptoms of the second time should not be taken, and the symptoms of the symptoms should not be affected. chat
constipation, sleeplessness
4.3 to 4 times of use

★Caution on storage and retrieval
(1) Keep it in the place of direct sunlight.
(2) Small children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by えないでください. (The reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わることがあります.)
(4) The period of use is しないでください

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