[2nd-Class OTC Drug] Kids Bufferin Cold Syrup S Hanapa LION Shioh Bufferin Children's Cold Glycoplasma Herb Flavor 120ml

[2nd-Class OTC Drug] Kids Bufferin Cold Syrup S Hanapa LION Shioh Bufferin Children's Cold Glycoplasma Herb Flavor 120ml

  • ¥840
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商品重量:0.195 kg
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【Product desciption】

Children's Formula Cold Medicine Syrup , suitable for children from 3 months to 7 years old.
Five active ingredients reduce cold symptoms such as fever, cough and runny nose, soothing cold discomfort.

● Non-caffeine prescription, will not affect the child's sleep quality.
● Does not contain codeine (anesthetic ingredient).
●Juice-flavored syrup, which is easy for children to eat.

Relieve cold symptoms (stuffy nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, cough, expectoration, headache, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, fever, chills)


3 times a day, Take after meals. It can be taken up to 6 times a day, which must be separated by 4 hours.

3 to 7 years old: 10mL
1-3 years: 7.5ml
Over 6 months and under 1 year: 6 mL
More than 3 months and less than 6 months: 5 mL
Less than 3 months: do not take

Children under the age of two should seek medical attention first, and only take it on their own as a last resort.


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: Designated second-class medicinal products

【Details of キッズバファリンかぜシロップS はなかっぱのProduct Details]
●バファリンには Active ingredient's Isoなる product があります. The active ingredient of this product is アスピリンではありません. Physicians and physicians are also registered as sellers to talk to each other, and they are not made by Aspirin.
●「キッズバファリンかぜシロップS」は, 3ヵ月から7 お子さまUSE のシロップタイプのかぜ薬です.
5 kinds of active ingredients, お子さまのPhysical strength, consumption, etc. Symptoms <Fever> <せき> <Nose みず> などを alleviation します.
● お子さまの大切な Sleep りをさまたげない, ノンカフェイン prescription です.
●コデイン (hemp ingredient) contains んでいません.
●Small さなお子さまでものみやすい, いちごごのシロップです.
●お子さまのMistake prevention, safety, and safety

【Effective effect】

・Alleviation of the symptoms of かぜの (nasal pain, nasty pain, くしゃみ, せき, たん, headache, pain in the joints, pain in the joints, pain in the muscles, heat, and cold)

・The amount of 1 time, 3 times a day, every time after eating and in necessary occasions, and before going to bed.
・4 time intervals, and occasions, 6 times a day, 6 times a day, 6 times a day, 6 times a day.
Above 3 years and above 7 years old: 1 time 10mL
1 or more than 3 years: 1 time 7.5mL
6 months or more before 1 year: 1 time 6mL
More than 3 months and less than 6 months: 1 time 5mL
3 months before the end of the month: take しないこと
★Usage and dosage are related and careful
・Occasionally, if you take it for a small child, you should take it if you are a protector's guidance and supervision.
・The 2 youngest breasts, the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, the priority is given, and the only occasion is to take it.
・Usage and dosage


(in 60mL)
アセトアミノフェン: 300mg
dl-メチルエフェドリン塩acid: 20mg
デキストロメトルファン deodorized hydrochloric acid dihydrate: 16mg
グアイフェネシン: 80mg
Generic acid: 25mg
Additives, sugar, グリセリン, カラメル, クエンacid Na, クエンacid, benzoic acid Na, パラベン, プロピレングリコール, fragrance, エチルバニリンを containing

This 剤は小児 uses ですが, かぜ斬として定められた general な precautions to record しています. ★ し て け な い い な い こと (Shouyao な な い と の の が 悪 し し し た り, side effects, accident が こ り やすく な こ り ます)をこしたことがある people. (2) People who take this medicine, antipyretic and analgesic medicines. 2. Taking this medicine, the medicines such as medicines, antipyretics and analgesics, sedatives, antitussives and expectorants, anti-nasal medicines, etc.酔い薬, アレルギー for use, etc.) 3. After taking it, the transportation operation of the machine is をしないでください. 5. Drinking alcohol before and after taking it 6. Long-term continuous use Talk to a person who is a doctor and a doctor. (2) Pregnant women are pregnant again. (3) The tall ones. (4) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms have been caused by people. (5) People with symptoms of times. Diagnosis of high fever and dysuria (6) times. Thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, kidney disease, gastric/duodenal ulcer, glaucomaこのDocument をってDoctor, 喬剤売ははregistered seller ににしてくださいRelationship part: Symptoms : Difficulty urinating そ の he: excessive の hypothermia ま れ に に の heavy な な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment The name of the symptoms: Symptoms ショック (アナフィラキシー): After taking it, すぐに, skin のかゆみ, じんましん, sound かすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, turbidity of breath, palpitation, and confusion of consciousness. Skin and mucous membrane eye syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン syndrome) / Toxic epidermal thawing syndrome / Acute rash pustulosis: high fever, hyperemia of eyes, eyes, lips, pain, rash of skin Redness, redness, redness on the skin, small pustules (small pustules), the whole body, the appetite, etc. Liver dysfunction: fever, rash, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), brown urine, whole body, loss of appetite, etc. Kidney disorders: fever, rash, decrease in urine output, whole body, joint pain, diarrhea, etc. Intertine pneumonia: At the stage, を っ た た り, Shao し た し し た り する た た た れ れ する く く し く る る る る る る る る る る る る る る が が み み られ られ に た た た た た し し し た り するぜんそく: を す る と き ゼ ー ゼ ー, ヒ ュ ー ヒ ュ ー と Ming る, 沒ku しい, etc. が あ ら わ れ る. 3. After taking, the symptoms of the second time, the symptoms of the symptoms, the symptoms, the strong and the strong, the occasions, the stop of the use, the consultation with the doctor, the registration of the doctor, and the doctor.してください口のかわき, 4.5~6 times of use of sleep medicine

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