【Second Class Medicinal Drugs】LION Bufferin Children's Cough Syrup Strawberry Flavor 120ml

【Second Class Medicinal Drugs】LION Bufferin Children's Cough Syrup Strawberry Flavor 120ml

  • ¥880
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商品重量:0.195 kg
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【Class 2 medicine】ライオンキッズバファリンせきどめシロップS 120mL

【Product desciption】

Children's Formula Cough syrup for children 3 months to 8 years old.
Antitussives (reduces coughing), expectorants (improves phlegm clearance) and active ingredients in natural herbs to relieve cough and phlegm.

● Non-caffeine prescription, will not affect the child's sleep quality.
● Does not contain codeine (anesthetic ingredient).
●Juice-flavored syrup, which is easy for children to eat.

cough, phlegm


3 times a day, after meals. It can be taken up to 6 times a day, which must be separated by 4 hours.

5 to 8 years old: 10mL
3 to 5 years old: 7.5mL
1 to 3 years: 6mL
3 months to under 1 year: 3mL
Less than 3 months: do not take

If you are under 2 years old, please seek medical attention first, and only take it by yourself as a last resort.

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Distinguish medicines for general use
Antitussive and phlegm-removing herbs
Product name キッズバファリンせきどめシロップS
Product name (読み) キッズバファリンセキドメシロップS
The special product of the product is the different product of the active ingredient. The active ingredient of this product is アスピリンではありません.
Physicians and physicians are also registered with the sellers to talk to each other, but they are not made by Aspirin.

"キッズバファリンせきどめシロップS" は, 3 ヵ か ら 8 was not used for シロップタイプのせきstop め薬です.
Antitussive (せきをしずめる), antiphlegm (たんのきれをよくする) active ingredients and natural health がせきやたんを soothing します.
● お子さまの大切な Sleep りをさまたげない, ノンカフェイン prescription です.
● コデイン (hemp ingredient) contains んでいません.
● アレルギーのせきにも effect があります.
● small さ な お さ ま で も の み や す い, い ち ご の シロップです.
● お子さまの accidental drinking を prevention ぐ, safety キャップを adopt しています.
Use the note on this medicine, the use of ですが, antitussive and phlegm, and general な precautions を record しています.
(Shou ら な い と Symptoms of the present が 悪 Hua し た り, side effects/accidents が こ り や す く な る)
The ingredients of this medicine are によりアレルギー symptoms and symptoms.
2. Take this medicine and use it
He's antitussive and phlegm-relieving herbs, sedative herbs, anti-ヒスタミン剤を containing herbs for oral administration, etc.
3. After taking it, the transport operation of the mechanical class is をしないでください
(Mianji, etc. があらわれることがあります.)
4. The person who is breastfeeding is taking this medicine and taking this medicine.
■Talk about すること
1. The second person is the doctor before taking the medicine, and the pharmacist is again registered with the seller.
(1) The doctor's treatment is subject to the person.
(2) Pregnant women are pregnant again.
(3) High-ranking people.
(4) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms をこしたことがある people.
(5) People with symptoms of times.
high fever, difficulty urinating
(6) The times of diagnosis are subject to people.
Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, thyroid dysfunction
2. After taking it, the symptoms of the next time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking it directly, the doctor, the doctor, the doctor, and the registered dealer.

[Relationship Site: Symptoms]
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ
Digestive organ: vomiting, vomiting, loss of appetite
Spiritual deity: めまい
Breathing apparatus: Breathing bitter しさ
Urinary: Difficulty urinating

ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment

[Name of symptom: symptom]
ショック (アナフィラキシー): After taking it, it can cause pain in the skin, palpitation, cloudiness of consciousness, etc.

3. After taking it, the symptoms of the second time are があらわれることがあるので. Ku da sa i
口のかわき, sleep
4. 5 to 6 times of use, symptoms, symptoms, and occasions, use, discontinuation, doctor, doctor, registration, and dealer
Performance related note
Usage and Dosage: 1 time, 3 times a day, after meals and on occasions where it is necessary, and before going to bed.
4 time intervals を お い て, occasions に よ り 1 day 6 times ま で taking し て し え あ り ま せ ん.

[Year: 1 round]
More than 5 years old and less than 8 years old: 10mL
Above 3 and below 5: 7.5mL
More than 1 and less than 3: 6mL
3 months or more before 1 year old: 3mL
3 months before the end of the month: take しないこと

Usage related attention (1) Small children take the occasion, and the protector's guidance and supervision no もとに take させてください.
(2) 2 years ago, the doctor's diagnosis and treatment should be given priority, and the only occasions should be taken.
(3) Usage and dosage

●Note ぎ Fang measurement カップのフチにボトルの口をあててNote いでください.ボトルを立してNote ぐと, ボトルの口もとにシロップがたれ, それがsolid まるとキャップがkai かなくなることがあります.
Ingredients in 60mL
デキストロメトルファン deodorized hydrochloric acid 20mg
dl-メチルエフェドリン塩acid 25mg
グアイフェネシン 100mg
キキョウFlow エキス 0.66mL (660mg of native herbs)
セネガ Flow エ キス 0.66mL (660mg converted from native herbs)
Generic acid 30mg
Additive Sugar
Note on storage and storage (1) When direct sunlight is exposed to the sun, it is less wet.
(2) Small children's hands will be kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by えないでください (the reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わります.).
(4) Measure it, wash it with water after use, clean it and keep it.
(5) After the expiration date is over, the product can be used only if it is used.
(6) This product can be used in combination with されているため, まれに slightly cloudy, がありますが, and the effect is には変わりありません.
(7) キャップがkai けにくい occasion は, キャップ part をお soup (50~60℃) に 2~3 minutes つけるとけやすくなります.

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