【Designated 2nd class medicine】Daiichi Sankyo AG ExC Allergy Special Rhinitis Spray 10ml

【Designated 2nd class medicine】Daiichi Sankyo AG ExC Allergy Special Rhinitis Spray 10ml

  • ¥1,720
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商品重量:0.044 kg
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【Designated Class 2 Medical Products】エージー アレルカットExc 10ml

Relief of seasonal allergies caused by pollen: stuffy nose, runny nose (excessive nasal discharge), sneezing

Adults (18 years and older): 1 dose: 1 spray on each nasal cavity, daily use: 2 times (morning and evening)
Under 18: Do not use.
You can use up to 4 times a day (8 sprays), but at least 3 hours apart.
・If symptoms improve, please reduce the frequency of use. If symptoms worsen again, it can be used more frequently.
・Do not use for more than 3 months within a year.

・Because this drug contains beclomethasone propionate (steroid), it may cause side effects if it is used excessively or incorrectly, so please strictly follow the prescribed usage.
・Please use only for nasal drops.
・If you taste it during use, rinse your mouth.

The agent is a viscous liquid suspended in white and contains the following ingredients per 100 grams.
Beclomethasone Propionate: 0.1 g Additives: Carboxyvinyl Polymer, L-Arginine, Ethanol, Tonicity Agent, Benzalkonium Chloride, Sodium EDTA, Peppermint Oil, L-Menthol, Polysorbate 80, pH adjuster

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: Designated second-class medicinal products

【Details of products for エージーアレルカットEXc Seasonal アレルギー専
● Anti -inflammatory effect 抗 Anti -Anti -Anti -レ レ ギ ギ ギ を せ せ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ つ ベ ベ ベ ゾ ン プロピオ ン プロピオ ス テ テ テ テ テ テ テ テ テ テ し に ダ ダ イ レ ク ト し し, pollen つら つら nose づま nasal water, く し ゃみ を おさえ おさえ ます ます ます ます ます.
●Using in the morning is でまででででででででででででですすです. (Usually used twice a day for occasions)
● スーットした refreshing feeling, にまりダレしにくい, モイストタイプの dot nose です.
● あらゆる angle から spray possible で, last まで いきれるスプレー container を use しています.
●Oral medicine for rhinitis and eye-dropping medicine at the same time.

【Effective effect】

Pollen による Seasonal アレルギーの次のような symptom alleviation: づまり, みず (excessive nose juice), くしゃみ

Adults (over 18 years old): 1 dose: 1 spray in the left and right nasal cavity, 1 times a day: Usually 2 times (morning and evening)
18 years old: use しないで下さい.

A maximum of 4 times (8 sprays) per day can be used, and the interval between use is 3 times or more.
・The symptoms are improved, the number of times of use is reduced, and the number of times of use is reduced. Symptoms can be changed again and again, occasions, and the number of times of use.
・In 1 year, use しないで下さい.

・ Ben は は は, ロメタ ク 剤 ゾ ン プロピオ ン プロピオ ン エ ス テ テ テ テ テ し し し し て い ます で で で し し し し し し た た た た た た た っ で で で する と と と が こ こ こ こして下さい.
・Use して下さい for nose tap.
・When you use it, you can use it with the taste and the occasion.


This product, the white turbid viscous liquid, and the ingredients in 100g contain しています.
ベクロメタゾンプロピオン Acid エステル: 0.1g
Additives: カルボキシビニルポリマー, L-アルギニン, エタノール, isotonic acid, ベンザルコニウムムー, エデトacid Na, ハッカ oil, L-メントール, ポリソルベート80, pH adjuster

(Ingredients and quantities are related, please note)
This はアルコールを contains んでいますので, しみることがあります.

★Note on use
Guarding らないと present symptoms
1. 次の人は uses しないで下さい.
・Sub-diagnosis and Receiver
Systemic fungal disease, tuberculosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, recurrent epistaxis, ぜんそく, glaucoma, infectious diseases
・Nostril suppuration
・Ingredient of this medicine
・People under 18 years old
・Pregnant and pregnant again
・Suteroide point nose 薬を のうち3 months or more in the past 1 year
2. During the period of use of this 剤は and his のステロイドわせて, during the period of 1 year, 3カ月を超えて, しないで下さい. (3 カ 月 を 超 え た use が necessary occasions に は, the possibility of his disease が あ り ま す の で otolaryngology doctor に chat し て 下 さい)
3. After the use of this medicine, use the しないで下さい.た だ し, Physician か ら Prescription さ れ た Occasion は, その Instruction に 従 っ て 下さい.

★Talking about すること
1. The second person should talk to the doctor and the doctor before using it, and then the registered dealer should talk to the next one.
・Physician's treatment けている
・Anesthetic therapy, etc., アレルギーのtherapy
・People with head, forehead や頬などにみがあり, yellow や green などの nose juice no ある (infectious paranasal sinusitis)
・The person who is breastfeeding
・Seasonal アレルギーによる symptoms
・High-level people
・Hypertrophic rhinitis ※1やのたけ(靱ポリープ)※2の人
※1: The nose is heavy and bitter, and a small amount of mucus is yellow and green.
※2: Nose づまり, Nose sound, Nose nook no foreign body sensation などがある.
・Long-term and massive systemic ステロイド therapy
2. After use, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of use, the doctor, the doctor, and the registration of the seller, and the next step.
(Relationship part: symptom)
Nose: Nose bleeding, nosebleeds, irritation, dryness, unpleasantness, abnormal smell, purulent symptoms, pus, pain accompanied by pain )
のど: irritation, foreign body sensation, purulent symptoms
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ, はれ
Spirituality: headache, めまい
Digestive organ: vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite
その Him: ぜ ん そ く の 発 now, み み, か す み, throbbing, blood pressure rise
ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment
ショック (アナフィラキシー)
3. After use, head, forehead, pain, nose juice, yellow, green, usually, different symptoms and occasions Log in to the dealer's chat. (His Symptoms が和発していることがあります)
4.1 Weekly use (maximum 4 times a day (8 sprays)), use it to improve symptoms, use it, stop it, and use it to stop it. .

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