[Class 2 Medicines] Gaiyuan IB Chinese Herbal Formula Pain Relief Medicine 9 Packs

[Class 2 Medicines] Gaiyuan IB Chinese Herbal Formula Pain Relief Medicine 9 Packs

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【Class 2 medicinal products】ノーシンピュア 84 tablets

【product description】

Pure pain reliever contains ibuprofen, which can quickly suppress the pain and fever, and has excellent analgesic and antipyretic effects. In addition, allyl isopropyl acetyl urea and caffeine anhydrous can enhance its efficacy. It is an analgesic and Antipyretic drugs.

○ Menstrual pain, headache, back pain, toothache, sore throat and joint pain, muscle pain, neuralgia, neck stiffness,

Pain after tooth extraction, bruising pain, ear pain, fracture pain, sprain pain, trauma pain relief, chills, fever


Please take it on an empty stomach as much as possible, 3 times a day, 2 tablets each time, and the interval is more than 4 hours.

Do not use under the age of 15

Please strictly follow the prescribed dosage and method of administration.

【Raw materials and ingredients】

2 tablets (1 dose) in・・・ contains

Ibuprofen・・・ 150mg・・・ For pain and heat, it has an excellent analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Allyl isopropyl acetourea・・・ 60mg・・・ Helps pain reliever ingredients to work and relieve menstrual cramps and headaches.

Caffeine Anhydrous・・・ 80mg・・・ Helps pain reliever ingredients work and relieves headaches.

Additives: Silicic anhydride, hydroxypropyl cellulose, cloth CMC-Na, cellulose, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium oxide, talc, polyethylene glycol and carnauba wax

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: Designated second-class medicinal products

【Product details of ノーシンピュア(セルフメディケーション tax system)]
●Absorptive, physical pain, headache, fast and effective.
● イブプロフェンが pain みのもとに effect, つらい pain みによくeffect きます.
●The analgesic effect of アリルイソプロピルアセチル urea, anhydrous カフェインは, and イブプロフェン is high.
●Small grains to drink.

【Effective effect】

・Mental pain, headache, low back pain, back pain, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain, shoulder pain, back pain, throbbing pain, ear pain, bone fracture pain, pain relief, traumatic pain analgesia antipyretic

・The dosage of the second time is をなるべく on an empty stomach.
・The interval between taking it is more than 4 hours.
Over 15 years old・・・2 pills per session / 3 sessions per day
Before 15 years old・・・Take it
※Specify the usage and dosage


(2 ingots)
アリルイソプロピルアセチル Urea・・・60mg
Anhydrous カフェイン・・・80mg
Additives such as anhydrous acid, ヒドロキシプロピルセルロース, クロスCMC-Na, セルロース, ステアリン acid Mg, ヒプロメロース, acidified チタン, タルク, マクロゴール, カル゙゙゙

★Note on use
※Shou ら な い と が オ し た り, side effects and accidents
・The second person is taking しないでください.
(1) Ingredient of this medicine
(2) The antipyretic and analgesic medicine of the original, and the people who take it
(3) 15-year-old child
(4) Pregnant women who give birth within 12 weeks of the fixed day
・If you take this medicine, you should take the medicines such as しているは and しないでください.
Antipyretic and analgesic herbs
・After taking it, you will be able to move things around and operate mechanically.
・Before and after taking it, drink alcohol.
・Use しないでください for a long time.
(Talk about すること)
・The second person should talk to the doctor and the pharmacist before taking the medicine.
(1) Physician and Physician's treatment
(2) Pregnant women who are pregnant again
(3) People who are breastfeeding
(4) High-ranking people
(5) People with symptoms such as 薬 and others
(6) times of diagnosis
Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, systemic エリテマトーデス, mixed combined tissue disease
(7) 次の尗にかかったことのある人
Gastric/duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
・After taking it, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking it directly, the doctor, the doctor, and the registered dealer.
Skin・・・rash・redness, かゆみ, blue
Digestive organs・・・ vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain, stomach discomfort, endostomatitis, chest pain, stomach pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, gastrointestinal bleeding
Spiritual God System・・・めまい
Circulator・・・ throbbing
no he...
ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment
ショック (アナフィラキシー)
Skin and mucous membrane eye syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン syndrome), toxic epidermolysis syndrome
liver dysfunction
Kidney impairment
aseptic meningitis
aplastic anemia
・After taking the medicineてください.
constipation, sleeplessness
・If you take 5-6 times, if you have symptoms and symptoms, you can stop taking it. If you need to stop taking it, you can talk to a doctor, an orthopaedic surgeon, a doctor, and a registered dealer.

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