【Second Class Medicinal Drugs】Takeda Benza Block IP Benza Block IP Capsules 30 Capsules/Box

【Second Class Medicinal Drugs】Takeda Benza Block IP Benza Block IP Capsules 30 Capsules/Box

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商品重量:0.035 kg
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【Class 2 medical products】Penzapo ロックIP 30カプレット


Relieve cold symptoms (fever, chills, headache, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, joint pain, muscle pain, cough, sneezing)

Take the following amount with water or hot water within 30 minutes of a meal, without chewing.

15 years and older: 2 tablets each time, 3 times a day
Under 15: Do not take


■ベンザブロックIP 30 カプレット【Takeda Conshéューマーヘルスケア】
「ベンザブロックIP 30カプレット」は, イブプロフェン のかぜ薬です. The antipyretic and analgesic effects of イブプロフェンのにより, かぜによるけけさむけ (cold), headache, のどの pain みなどに effect are があります.
6 kinds of ingredients, がバランスよくはたらいて, かぜのいろいろな symptoms, relieve symptoms, and relieve symptoms.
Citrus などにまれるビタミンP の one kind of であるヘスペリジンを with しています.
のみやすい Small white - yellowish white Medicines.

■Internal capacity: 30カプレット

Efficacy and effect: Alleviation of various symptoms (hot, cold, headache, のどの pain, nasal discharge, nasal pain, joint pain, muscle pain, せき, たん, くしゃみ)

■Usage and Capacity: Take the amount of water once, within 30 minutes after eating, and take it with water.

[Year: 1 dose: the number of times per day]
15 years and older: 2 tablets: 3 times
15 years old: taking しないこと

【Usage and dosage are related to the attention】
(1) Usage and dosage
(2) カプレット (ingot 剤) の り り し prescription: カ プ レ ット の 入 っ て い る PTP シート の convex part を refers to the first で strong く 沒 し て, inside の アルミ foil を broken り, take り out して take すること. (Wrong っ て そ の ま ま の み こ だ り す る and esophagus mucous membrane に protruding き stab さ る and other thoughts わ ぬ accident に つ な が る.)

■Note on use: してはいけないこと
(Shou ら な い and present symptoms が 悪 Hua し た り, side effects and accidents が こ り や す く な る)
1.次の人は taking しないこと
(1) Ingredient of this genitalia によりアレルギー Symptoms をこしたことがある person.
(2) People who take this medicine, antipyretic and analgesic medicines.
(3) A 15-year-old child.
(4) Pregnant women who give birth within 12 weeks of the fixed day.
2. Take this medicine and use it
Other medicines, antipyretic and analgesic medicines, sedative medicines, antitussive and antitussive medicines, anti-ヒスタミン剤を containing oral medicines, etc.
3. After taking it, it is necessary to operate the transportation of machinery.
(Mianji, etc. があらわれることがある.)
4. Breastfeeding の人はないか, しないを
5. Before and after taking drinking, drinking しないこと
6. Long-term use しないこと

●Talk about すること
1. The next person is before taking the medicine, and the doctor and the doctor of medicine are registered and the seller is talking.
(1) Physician Physician's Treatment Receivers.
(2) Pregnant women who are pregnant.
(3) The tall ones.
(4) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms have been caused by people.
(5) People with symptoms of times.
high fever, difficulty urinating
(6) The times of diagnosis are subject to people.
Thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, kidney disease, glaucoma, systemic エリテマトーデス, mixed combined tissue disease, respiratory dysfunction, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, obesity
(7) The times of illness are people.
Gastric/duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
(8) モノアミン acidifying enzyme inhibitor (セレギリン塩acid 塩, etc.) is used to treat people.
(9) かぜ薬, antitussive, rhinitis and other oral medicines, insomnia, めまい, a sense of loss of strength, ふるえ, palpitations, throbbing, throbbing, and throbbing.
2. After taking the medicine

【Relationship site: Symptoms】
Skin: eczema, redness, かゆみ, cyan
Digestive organs: vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, stomach pain, endostomatitis, chest, stomach, gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool
Spiritual deity: めまい
Circulator: throbbing
Respirator: Shiki
Urinary: Difficulty urinating
その Him: Excessive hypothermia, Yan の ほ て り, abnormal な ま ぶ し さ
ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ る.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment
【Name of symptom: symptom】
ショック (アナフィラキシー): After taking it, it can be used to reduce pain, palpitations, and cloudiness of consciousness.
Skin and mucous membrane eye syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン syndrome), toxic epidermolysis, acute rash pustulosis: high fever, hyperemia of eyes, eyes, lips, pain, rash of skin Redness, redness, redness on the skin, small pustules (small pustules), the whole body, the appetite, etc.
Liver dysfunction: fever, rash, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), brown urine, whole body, loss of appetite, etc.
Kidney disorders: fever, rash, decrease in urine output, whole body, joint pain, diarrhea, etc.
Intertine pneumonia: At the stage, を っ た た り, Shao し た し し た り する た た た れ れ する く く し く る る る る る る る る る る る る る る が が み み られ られ に た た た た た し し し た り する
ぜんそく: を す る と き ゼ ー ゼ ー, ヒ ュ ー ヒ ュ ー と Ming る, 沒ku しい, etc. が あ ら わ れ る.
Aplastic anemia: blueness, nosebleeds, bleeding, fever, skin, mucous membranes, whiteness, fatigue, palpitations, palpitations, restlessness, hematuria, etc.
Agranulosphere disease: sudden high fever, さむけ, のどの pain み, etc.
Respiratory depression: Breath cut れ, breath bitter し さ, etc. が あ ら わ れ る.
3. After taking, the symptoms of the second, the symptoms が あらわ れる こと で で で で で で で な な な な の 続 続 増 増 が ら れ た は は は は は は は
Constipation, Mouth 渇き, Insomnia
4. 5-6 times of use in case of symptoms and symptoms (for more than 3 days if it is especially hot, and if it is repeated for more than 3 days) The seller is talking about it

■Ingredients and quantity: 6 tablets (one daily dose)

【はたらき: Ingredient: Content】
Hot をさげ, pain みを and らげる: イブプロフェン: 450mg
Nose water, くしゃみを and らげる: クロルフェニラミンマレイン acid hydration: 7.5mg
せき・たんを and らげる: dl-メチルエフェドリン塩acid: 60mg
せきを and らげる: ジヒドロコデインリン Acid: 24mg
Headache を and らげる: Anhydrous カフェイン: 75mg
ビタミン class (a kind of ビタミンP): ヘスペリジン: 90mg
Additives: Lactose water and compound, CrozcalosuNa, ヒプロメロース, ヒドロキシプロピルセルロース, セルロース, ステアリン acid Mg, acidified チタン, カルナウバロウ, サシラシミモコココプン

■Notes on storage and storage: (1) When direct sunlight is exposed to the sun, it is less wet, and it is cool.
(2) Small children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by えないこと (the reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わる).
(4) After the expiry date is over, the product should be taken.
(5) The "date of opening" of the box is recorded in the column, and the inner bag (アルミのbag) is recorded in the すること after opening.
(6) Once the inner bag (アルミのbag) should be taken after opening, the quality should be maintained within 6 months after opening.

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