
【Designated Class 2 Medical Drugs】New Lulu Aゴールド DX alpha New Lulu Cold Medicine DX 90 Tablets

  • ¥2,200
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商品重量:0.11 kg
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【Product desciption】

Relieves various symptoms of colds (runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, phlegm, sore throat, fever, chills, headache, sneezing, joint pain, muscle pain)


Please take with water according to the following amount.
It is recommended to take within 30 minutes after meals .

Adult (over 15 years old): 3 tablets each time, 3 times a day
Over 11 years old and under 15 years old: 3 times a day, 2 each time ingot
7 years old and over 11 years old: 3 times a day, 1 tablet each time

Do not use under 7 years old

【Ingredients】 (in 9 tablets)
Kemastine Fumarate: 1.34 mg, Veradant Total Alkaloids: 0.3 mg, Bromhexine Hydrochloride: 12 mg, Tranexamic Acid: 420 mg, Acetaminophen: 900 mg, dl-Methyl Ephedra Alkali hydrochloride: 60 mg, Dextromethorphan hydrate hydrochloride: 48 mg, Caffeine anhydrous: 60 mg

Additives: Cellulose, calcium carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, polyethylene glycol, titanium dioxide, sucrose, polyvinyl alcohol (partially saponified), talc, carbonic acid Calcium, Carnauba Wax

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: Designated second-class medicinal products

【Product details of the new ルルAゴールドDXα (セルフメディケーション tax system)]
● つらいかぜの11 Symptoms す べ て に す ぐ れ た き を 発 偙 る 巏 合 か ぜ 薬 で す.ご family で taking い た だ け ま す. (over 7 years old)
●Anti-inflammatory ingredient "トラネキサムacid" and antipyretic and analgesic ingredient "アセトアミノフェン"'s effects, no どの pain, 発heat にすぐれたeffect きします.
●Hands-holding anti-ヒスタミン ingredient "クレマスチンフマルacid 塩", parasympathetic blocking ingredient "ベラドンナアルカロイド", and nasal spray and nose づまりにダブルで effect.
●The phlegm-removing ingredient "ブロムヘキシン塩acid 塩" が, せきのなるたんを出しやすくします.
● お薬の bitter hand な で も taking し や す い BIT の な い small sugar-coated tablets で す.

【Effective effect】

Alleviation of the symptoms

The amount of water and water is taken for the next time.
(Year: 1 time: the number of times per day)
Adults (over 15 years old): 3 tablets: Take 3 tablets within 30 minutes after eating.
More than 11 years old and under 15 years old: 2 tablets: 3 times after eating, take it within 30 minutes.
Over 7 years old and under 11 years old: 1 tablet: 3 times after eating, take it within 30 minutes.
7 years old before: take しないで下さい.

★Usage and dosage are related and careful
(1) Usage and dosage
(2) Children who are over 7 years old should take it at the occasion, and the guardian's guidance and supervision should be taken at the same time.


The ingredients in this 扤は and white sugar-coated tablets 9 tablets contain しています.
(ingredients: quantity)
ク フマ ス チ ン 塩 ル acid: 1.34mg, ベ ラ ド ン ナ ア ル カロ イ ド: 0.3mg, ブロム ヘキシ ン 塩 acid: 12mg, ト ラ ネキサム acid: 420mg, ア セ ト ア ミノフェ ン: 900mg, DL-メチ ル エフェド リ ン 塩: 60mg, デキ ス ト ル ファ ファ ファ ファ ファ ファ 素 素 素 water and water Substance: 48mg, Anhydrous カフェイン: 60mg

Add objects: ス ル 、 ー ス, カ ル メロ ー ス CA, ヒドロキシ プロピ ル セ ル ロ ー ス, ス テ ア リ ン acid mg, ヒプロメロ ー ス, マ ク ロゴ ー ル, acidified チタ ン, white sugar, ポ リ ア ル ア ル ア ー ル (some け ん け け け け け け け け け け け け け け

★Note on use
(Shou ら な い and present symptoms が 悪 Hua し た り, side effects and accidents が こ り や す く な り ま す)
1. The person who takes the next time is taking しないで下さい.
(1) Ingredient of this medicine
(2) People who take this medicine, antipyretic and analgesic medicine
2. Take this medicine and use it.
Other medicines, antipyretic and analgesic medicines, sedative medicines, antitussive and expectorant medicines, antibacterial and antispasmodic medicines, etc.
3. After taking it, take advantage of the mechanical transport operation.
(Symptoms such as sleeplessness, abnormality, etc.)
4. Drink alcohol before and after taking it.
5. Use しないで下さい for a long time.

・Talking about すること
1. Before taking the medicine, the doctor and the pharmacist should talk to the registered dealer again.
(1) Physician and Physician's treatment
(2) Pregnant women who are pregnant again
(3) People who are breastfeeding
(4) High-ranking people
(5) こしたことがある
(6) Symptoms of times
high fever, difficulty urinating
(7) Times of Diagnosis and Receiver
Thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, kidney disease, gastric/duodenal ulcer, glaucoma, thrombosis (thrombosis, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, etc.), thrombosis
2. After taking the medicine, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking the medicine, the doctor, the doctor, and the registered dealer.
(Relationship site/symptom)
Skin / rash, redness, かゆみ
Fire extinguisher / vomiting, vomiting, loss of appetite
Spirituality / めまい, excitement, けいれん, headache
respirator/breath cut, breath pain
Urinary / Difficulty urinating
そのほてり, abnormal なまぶしさ
ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment
(name of symptoms) (details of symptoms, explanatory documents, refer to すること)
ショック (アナフィラキシー) / Mucocutaneous Eye Syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン Syndrome), Toxic Epidermal Dystrophy, Acute Eruptular Pustulosis / Liver Function Disorder / Kidney Disorder / Interstitial Pneumonia / ぜんそく
3. After taking, the symptoms of the second time, the symptoms of the symptoms, the symptoms of the symptoms, the symptoms of the symptoms, the symptoms of the symptoms, the strong onesして下さい.
constipation, mouth, sleep, eyes
4.5 to 6 times of use, if you have symptoms and symptoms, if you are taking it, you should stop taking it, and if you are a doctor, you will be able to log in to the dealer and talk to you.

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