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Nippon Zoki Seiyaku MASTIGEN supplementary blood tablets 120 tablets
日本臓器製薬 兒童貧血 補血錠 60錠【第2類医薬品】
樂敦 V-ROHTO B群明目錠【第3類医薬品】
[Class 2 medicinal products] Rohto Pharmaceutical and Hanjian Fangfengtongsheng Powder Tablets 210 Capsules
[Class 2 medicinal products] Rohto Pharmaceutical and Hanjian Fangfengtongsheng Powder Tablets 360 Capsules
[Class 2 medicinal products] ROHTO & Hanjian Fangfengtongsheng Powder Z2 50 Capsules
樂敦製藥 和漢箋 防風通聖散錠満量 5000mg 60錠 5日份【第2類医薬品】
[Class 2 medicinal products] ROHTO and Hanjian Fangfengtongsheng Powder Tablets T 112 Capsules
[Class 2 medicinal products] ROHTO and Hanjian Fangfengtongsheng Powder Tablets T 224 Capsules
樂敦製藥 和漢籤 防風通聖散錠 滿量a 168錠 14日份【第2類医薬品】
樂敦製藥 和漢籤 防風通聖散錠 滿量a 360錠 30日份【第2類医薬品】
[Second-class pharmaceuticals] Rohto Pharmaceutical Mayedo Kampo Formula NEO Komachi Acne Tablets 270 Tablets
[Third drug class] Takeda Iseiso C 300 tablets
武田維他命C2000 100錠【第3類医薬品】
【Class 2 medicines】Takeda New Calcium Tablets D3 100 Tablets/Bottle
皇漢堂製藥 Hepafit肝臟水解物 180錠【第3類医薬品】
【Class 3 medicines】 Huanghantang Pharmaceutical Vitamin Group 270 Tablets
【Class 3 medicines】Chondroitin Sulfate ZS Tablets 108 Tablets
[Third-class OTC drugs] Daiichi Sankyo New Eva Youth EBAYUSU Itamei CE 90 capsules
[Class 3 pharmaceuticals] Daiichi Sankyo TRANSINO white C clear 120 capsules/bottle
第一三共 新黑丸a 解酒藥 30粒 【第3類医薬品】
[Designated Class 2 Drugs] Okuda Cranial Nervous Medicine M 150 Tablets
【Third Class Medicinal Drugs】Cupy Kowa Q&P GOLDα 160 Tablets
興和製藥Q&PKowaG GOLD alpha Premium 滋養強壯消除疲勞保健藥 280錠【第3類醫薬品】