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What is the meaning of the X-th drugs commonly used in Japanese cosmeceuticals?

Posted by RAKUFUKU on

When you go to Japan to play, you must not miss their drugstore. The dazzling variety of products, whether it is for personal use or even as a gift, make everyone buy crazy, or it is the entrustment of friends and family. Usually, you can buy things in the drugstore. turn up. Generally, everyone’s favorite is probably the medicines or health care products that are easy to use in Japan. But when buying medicines and health products, have you noticed that there are often X-th medicines marked on them. What does this mark mean?

These are marked as Japan's OTC drug classification. OTC is the abbreviation of over-the-counter drug. It can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription , and it is what we often call over-the-counter medicine. According to its composition, complexity of use, degree of side effects and other interactions are divided into five grades, namely:

to guide medicines
  • Class 1 medicinal products
  • Designated Category 2 Medicines
  • Class 2 medicinal products
  • Class 3 medicinal products

    to guide pharmaceuticals

    The regulations are the most stringent. In addition to not being able to sell online, stores are also obliged to have pharmacists who can provide consumer consultation. In order to prevent users from buying directly without listening to the advice of a pharmacist, the medicines that need to be instructed must be placed in places that are not easily accessible.

    In addition to the pharmaceuticals for guidance, other categories 1 to 3 pharmaceuticals are classified as general pharmaceuticals, and their risks are lower than those for guidance, and they can all be sold on the Internet.

    Class 1 medicinal products

    The regulations are similar to the guidance of medicines. Only stores with pharmacists can sell them. The only difference is that they can be sold online.

    Class 2 medicinal products

    Mainly to cold medicine, painkillers, antipyretics and other common household medicines. Class 2 pharmaceuticals can be classified into designated Class 2 pharmaceuticals, and the risks of side effects are higher than those of Class 2 pharmaceuticals, and the difference in appearance is that the number will be extra. Such drugs can be sold online, and sellers need to do their best to provide instructions.

    Designated Class 2 Pharmaceuticals

    Class 2 pharmaceuticals

    The second category of drugs contains steroids and antibiotics. Children and pregnant women, or people who are taking other drugs, must confirm whether their current conditions are suitable for use before taking them. Those who are not sure can talk to their doctors or pharmacists. consult.

    Common hot-selling designated second-class drugs include EVE headache pain reliever produced by エスエス, BUFFERIN headache pain relief tablets , and Taisho Pharmaceutical's Bai Bao Neng .

    As for the second category of drugs, there are BUFFERIN headache pain reliever LunaJ , which can be taken by teenagers, Ota Weisan, a famous stomach drug , and Santen Pharmaceutical FX eye drops that both Lingbo Zero and Lufu love to use.”

    Class 3 medicinal products

    Class 3 medicines have low side effects and interactions. Do not use them excessively for a long time. Basically, they will not cause harm to the human body. They can be easily purchased at pharmacies and online. Usually some patches for external use (some patches are classified as Class 2 medicines according to the ingredients), acne medicine, and endostomatitis are all classified as Class 3 medicines.

    Common hot-selling third-class pharmaceuticals are vitamin supplements that effectively relieve dry skin, acne, stomatitis and fatigue. Chocola BB vitamin b family tablets , Lycee floret contact lens eye drops , I heard big, synonymous with sore patches Salonbas .

    The Japanese are careful and careful, and even non-prescription drugs are classified into categories. When purchasing drugs, everyone can simply and clearly understand the risks and reduce the risk when taking them. In fact, excessive consumption of various medicines is not good. Read the instructions carefully before taking medicines. People with allergies should pay more attention to various ingredients that may cause allergies. You can only play their effects when you take medicines, and the medicine will cure the disease.

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