[Third-class medicinal products] LION デントヘルス R Gingivitis Dent Health R Ointment 10g

[Third-class medicinal products] LION デントヘルス R Gingivitis Dent Health R Ointment 10g

  • ¥480
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商品重量:0.03 kg
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【Class 3 medicines】デントヘルスR ( 10g )

【Product desciption】

Apply gingivitis ointment to the gums and periodontal pockets with your fingers. Excellent effect on various symptoms of periodontitis/alveolar abscess such as swelling/bleeding/painful gums, sticky mouth, bad breath and stomatitis.

・Relieve teeth Gingivitis and periodontal disease , various symptoms of stomatitis (gum bleeding, redness, swelling, swelling, pain, itching, sticky mouth, bad breath)

2-4 times a day, take an appropriate amount (about 0.3g, about 1.5cm) on the finger and apply it to the affected area.


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: the third category of medicinal products

【Details of products of デントヘルスR】
●デントヘルスR は歯ぐきや歯week ポケットに でり込む タイプの歯 meat inflammation and pustules in the groove.
●Bleeding, Pain, Mouth, Bad Breath, Porkitis, Pusculum, Intraoral inflammation.
●Retention prescription, 4 active ingredients in the affected area, penetration, penetration, and effect.
●Ease of use.

【Effective effect】

・Alleviation of symptoms such as meatitis, pustules in the groin (bleeding, redness, pain, pain, and bad breath), endooral inflammation

・Inflammation of the flesh and pustules in the groove: 2 times a day (morning and evening) after ブラッシング, an appropriate amount (about 0.3g, about 1.5cm) を にのせ, 歯 ぐ き に り込 ん で く だ さい.
・Intra-oral inflammation: 2-4 times a day, apply an appropriate amount to the affected area.
★Usage and dosage are related and careful
・Use させる には in the case of 小児に, and use させてください for the guidance and supervision of the protector.
・Use してください with にのみ.


(in 100g)
グリチルリチン Acid Dikarima: 0.4g
アラントイン: 0.3g
ヒノキチオール: 0.1g
セチルピリジニウム塩 chemical water and material: 0.05g
Add objects カ し カ, ボキシビニ ル ポ ル ポ リ マ ー, ヒプロメロ ー ス, ポビド ン, ア ル ギ ン acid na, pH adjustment 剤, グ リ セ リ ン, エタノ ー ル, ポ リ ソ ル ベ ー ト 60, ス テ ア リ ン ソ ル ビタ ン, ショ sugar fatty acid エ ス エ ス エ ス エ ス エ ス エ ス エ エ ス エ テ エ エ エ エ エ パ パ パ パ ラ フィ ン, spice, L-メ ン ト ー ル を む む む.

★Note on use
●Talk about すること
・The second person should talk to a doctor, a dentist, and a doctor of medicine before using it.
(1) Physicians are also treated by physicians.
(2) 薬などによりアレルギー Symptoms をこしたことがある people.
・After use, the symptoms and occasions, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of use, the documentation of the product, the doctor, the orthopedist, and the orthopaedic surgeon are also registered with the seller.
Skin・・・Rash・Redness, かゆみ
そのother・・・Abnormal taste
・In the case of use, symptoms, symptoms, and occasions, use, discontinuation, and documentation of products.

★Caution on storage and retrieval
・When the direct sunlight is cool, it is safe to keep it.
・Children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
・His container is replaced by えないでください. (The reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わることがあります.)
・If the expiry date has passed, the product should be used only if it is used.

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