[2 drugs] Kracie Cocoapo G tablets Cocoapo G Tablets 312 pieces
【Class 2 medical products】 Kokkoapo G ingot 312 ingots
【Product desciption】
Stressful times tend to eat too much because of a bad mood, which can lead to obesity due to overeating. Cocoapo G Tablets increase lipid metabolism, break down and burn excess fat, and reduce obesity from stress.
Habitual constipation, stiff shoulders/headache/high blood pressure and obesity-related constipation, obesity
Take the following amount of water or plain hot water 3 times a day before or between meals.
Adult (over 15 years old): 4 tablets
Under 15 years old and over 7 years old: 3 tablets
Under 7 years old and over 5 years old: 2 tablets
Under 5 years old: do not take
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Excessive eating, living habits, and constipation
ストレスが多い人は, イライラのため食べぎたりすることが多いといわれます.そのため overeating な ど に よ る FAT 満 を 樂き Qi こ す こと が あ り ま す.
コッコアポG ingots, ストレスなどがあり, わきabdomen からみぞおちあたりにかけてkuしいfang げてらなぞおちあけてkuしいfang げてを上げてらなぞららい
The daily dosage for adults is 12 tablets (1 tablet 340mg), and the second ingredient contains んでいます.
Ochaihu エキス powder・・・2,700mg
(Saiko 3.0g, ハンゲ 2.0g, ショウキョウ・ダイオウ each 0.5g, オウゴン・シャクヤク・タイソウ each 1.5g, キジツ1.0g より extraction.)
Additives such as ケインケイス, CROSS CMC-Na, CROSS PENDON, and ステアリン Acid Mgを contain する.
Symptoms: gastritis, habitual constipation, high blood pressure accompanied by shoulder disease, obesity, headache, constipation, constipation
The amount of time is 3 times a day, before meals, and between meals, water and white soup.
Adults (over 15 years old)・・・4 tablets per session
15 years old and 7 years old or more・・・3 spindles per round
7 years old and 5 years old or more・・・2 ingots per round
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