[Second-class medicinal products] KOBAYASHI Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Visceral Fat Loss Tablets 28000mg Za 315 Tablets/Bottle

[Second-class medicinal products] KOBAYASHI Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Visceral Fat Loss Tablets 28000mg Za 315 Tablets/Bottle

  • ¥5,500
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商品重量:0.404 kg
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【Class 2 medicinal products】ナイシトールZa ( 315 ingots)

【Function effect
Abundant abdominal fat and prone to constipation with the following symptoms: obesity, symptoms related to high blood pressure (rapid heartbeat, stiff shoulders, swelling), constipation

Adults (15 years and older) take 5 tablets 3 times a day before or between meals. *Do not take if you are under the age of 15

[Ingredient content] 15 capsules a day

 Daily dose (15 tablets)
Fangfengtongshengsan Extract... 5.0g
Angelica... 1.2g Peony... 1.2g
Xian Gui... 1.2g Three Stone Lions... 1.2g
Forsythia... 1.2g Star anise... 1.2g
Ginger... 1.2g Nepeta... 1.2g
Siller... 1.2g Maou... 1.2g
Rhubarb... 1.5g Glauber's Salt... 1.5g
Atractylodes... 2.0g Bellflower... 2.0g
Scutellaria... 2.0g Licorice... 2.0g
Gypsum... 2.0g Fragrant Stone... Extracted from 3.0g Additives: 
Silicic anhydride, aluminum silicate, CMC-Ca, magnesium stearate, with cornstarch

Goods に close す る お phone で の お せ は, next note ま で お い い た し ま す.

Payment time 9:00-17:00
Medical products: 0120-5884-01
Health Food・Saprimanto:0120-5884-02
Hygiene Products・スキンケア・ヘアケア:0120-5884-06
Fragrance, deodorant, water washing トイレのお Cleaning supplies: 0120-5884-07
Cleaning supplies, daily necessities, deodorizers: 0120-5884-08

リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: the second category of medical products

【Product details of ナイシトールZa】
●このお薬は, body fat, body fat, body fat, fat too, special fat, fat, constipation
●5000mg of active ingredients (Fangfengtongshengsan エキス) が, おなかの fat decomposition, burning burning を promoting します
●Implementation effect of lifestyle habits such as obesity, high blood pressure, obesity, and constipation

【Effective effect】
Physical stamina, excess subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, constipation , ふきでもの(にきび)
The amount of time, before eating, between meals, water and soup, take it, and take it
(annual: 1 time: the number of times of taking)
Adults (over 15 years old): 5 tablets: 3 times a day

15 years ago: take しないこと

★Usage and dosage are related and careful
(1) Determination of usage and dosage
(2) Absorb moisture, take it, and take it
・ことをいいます のことをいいます

1 day's supply (15 tablets) of Fangfengtongshengsan エキス: 5.0g
(ト g 1.2g, ウキ ク ヤ ク 1.2g, セ ン キュウ 1.2g, サ ン シシ 1.2g, レ ン ギョウ 1.2g, ハ ッ カ 1.2g, ショウキョウ 1.2g, ケ イ ガ イ 1.2g, ボウフウ 1.2g, マオウ 1.2g, ダ イ オウ 1.5g 1.5g ボウショウ 1.5g , ビャクジュツ2.0g, キキョウ2.0g, オウゴン2.0g, カンゾウ2.0g, セッコウ2.0g, カッセキ3.0g より extraction)
Additives として, anhydrous cyanic acid, cyanic acid Al, CMC-Ca, stearic acid Mg, トウモロコシデンプンを containing する, ケイるため, ウモロコシデンプンを containing natural products
★Note on use
(Shou ら ないと の Symptoms が 悪 Hua し た り, Side Effects が こ り や す く な る)
1. Take this medicine and take it
his diarrhoea
2. The person who is breastfeeding is taking this medicine and taking this medicine at the occasion of breastfeeding.
・Talking about すること
1. Before taking the medicine, the doctor and the pharmacist should talk to the registered dealer again.
(1) Physician's treatment
(2) Pregnant women who are pregnant again

(3) Physical weakness
(4) People with weak stomach and diarrhea
(5) People who tend to sweat
(6) High-ranking people
(7) までに斬などによりrash・智red, かゆみなどをこしたことがある
(8) Symptoms of times
むくみ, difficulty urinating
(9) Times of Diagnosis and Receiver
Hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, thyroid dysfunction
2. After taking, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking it directly, the documentation of the product, the doctor, the doctor, the doctor, and the registered dealer.
(Relationship part: symptom)
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ
Digestive organ: Vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, abdominal distention, abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain
Spiritual deity: めまい
そのother: sweating, palpitations, むくみ, headache
ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ る.その occasion は Straight ち に doctor's medical treatment
(name of symptom: symptom)
Intertine pneumonia: stage を っ た た り, Shao し た し た た り する た た れ れ する く し く な る, empty せき ど ど ど ど が られ られ
Pseudo-アルドステロン's disease, ミオパチー: hand and foot no だ る さ, し び れ, つ っ ぱ り や こ わ ば り に plus え て, feeling of loss of strength, muscle pain, が あ ら わ れ, つ に strong
Liver dysfunction: fever, rash, yellowish rash, brown urine, whole body, loss of appetite
Mesenteric vein sclerosis: long-term use, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal swelling, etc.
3. After taking, the symptoms of the second time, the symptoms of the symptoms, the symptoms, the strong and the strong, the occasions, the stop of the use, the consultation with the doctor, the registration of the doctor, and the doctor.すること
diarrhea, constipation
4.1 Monthly Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms
5. For long-term continuous use, in the event of continuous use, in the case of a doctor, a medical practitioner, and a registered dealer, please talk to me

★Keep it safe
(1) When the sun shines, it is wet, and it is less.
(2) 小児の手の偋ないところに Keeping すること
(3) His container is replaced by えないこと (the reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わる)
(4) Honen をぬれた手で扱わないこと
(5) Use to prevent damage during transportation when opening the package.

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