
[Second-class medicinal products] キップパイロールHi universal ointment for abrasions, cuts, and burns 40g

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【The second type of medical products】KippoiロールHi 40g

【Product desciption】

A must-have household ointment at home in Japan!

Mainly for the trauma on the skin, three effective bactericidal ingredients are added to effectively disinfect the wound. Accelerates wound healing and makes the wound less prone to scarring. Added zinc oxide to help protect wounds and prevent symptoms from getting worse.

Cuts, scrapes, mild burns, sun burns, and snow-reflected UV burns can be used.


Depending on the extent of the wound, apply an appropriate amount directly to the affected area, or apply it to gauze, etc., and then stick it on the affected area.


この goods, medical products, medical products, tongji さ れ てい る supplementary documents を must be ず お 読 み く だ さい.
※Products such as リニューアル are suitable for occasions such as によりパッケージ and different capacity.ご く だ さ い.
Manufacturing Gen Kippur Co., Ltd.
●キップパイロール-Hi は pale yellowish white ointment です.
● 軽 の や け ど, day や け, cut な ど に よ く effect き ま す.
〔キップ喬品 Co., Ltd. Sales Officeより〕

●Bactericidal agent with high sterilization power and high sterilization power.
● ジュクジュクしているaffected part にも, カサカサしているaffected part にもえますのでごfamily's standing 薬として heavy treasure です.
●Acidation and lead を micronization し, dispersing し や す く し て い ま す の で, when applying it, white く eyes stand ち ま せ ん.
[Sato Co., Ltd. Sales Office]
The expiration date of medicinal products
Medical products are not limited to no limit, and the expiration date is more than 1 year. Within 1 year, the expiry date of the product is listed.
Note on use
■Talk about すること
1. The second person is a doctor before using it, and the doctor of medicine is a registered dealer again to talk about it.
(2) People with symptoms of 斬などによりアレルギー.
(3) The person who is in the affected area.
(4) Wet やただれのひどい people.
(5) People who are deeply hurt.
2. After use, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of using it directly, the discontinuation of use, the doctor, the doctor, the doctor and the seller
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ
3. Use for 5 to 6 days if you have symptoms or symptoms, if you use it, if you stop it, if you are a doctor, if you are a doctor, or if you are a registered doctor, you can talk to a dealer.
绽の fire injury, cut injury, すり wound, ひび, あかぎれ, かみそりまけ, 日焼け, snow やけによる inflammation
The degree of the disease is determined by applying the appropriate amount to the affected area and applying it to the affected area.
Notes on usage related (1) Determination of usage and dosage.
(2) In the case of small children using させる には, the guardian's guidance and supervision no もとに use させてください.
(3) 目に入らないように Attention してください. Just in case, に 入 っ た occasions に は, す ぐ に water and は ぬ る ま soup で wash っ て く だ さい.な お, the symptoms are heavy, the occasion is に は, the ophthalmologist's diagnosis and treatment を Receive け て く だ さ い.
(4) Use してください for external use.
ingredient amount
Ingredients in 100g イソプロピルメチルフェノール 0.1g
Acidified lead 6.018g
Sarikalic acid 0.056g
Keep it safe
(1) When the sun shines, it should be kept in a safe place.
(2) Small children's hands will be kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by えないでください.
(The reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わるおそれがあります.)
(4) High temperature で仮に中味がmelt けてもFlow れ出ないように, level に storage してください.
(5) Expiration date をすぎたProducts は, use しないでください.
〔キッププより Co., Ltd.]

(1) When the sun shines, it should be kept in a safe place.
(2) Small children's hands will be kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by えないでください.
(The reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わるおそれがあります.)
(4) Expiration date をすぎたProducts は, use しないでください.
(5) チューブにををける中には, キャップの head にある convex part をチューブ exit にdeep く毀し込んで, big きななをkai けてください.

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