加入好友 【Designated Class 2 Medicines】ノーシンエフ200 NORSHIN ef200 Headache and Phy – EBISU恵比壽日藥直送
【Designated Class 2 Medicines】ノーシンエフ200 NORSHIN ef200 Headache and Physiological Pain Special Medicine 16 Capsules

【Designated Class 2 Medicines】ノーシンエフ200 NORSHIN ef200 Headache and Physiological Pain Special Medicine 16 Capsules

  • ¥720
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商品重量:0.026 kg
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【Designated Class 2 Medical Products】ノーシンエフ200 16 カプセル

・Headache, menstrual pain (physiological pain), low back pain, dental pain, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, neuralgia, stiff shoulder, pain after tooth extraction, bruising pain, ear pain, fracture pain, nasal pain, Relieve chills and fever

・Please avoid taking it on an empty stomach as much as possible
・Take at least 6 hours apart.
Adults (over 15 years old)・・・ 1 capsule each time / up to 2 capsules per day
Children under 15: Do not take

【Raw materials and ingredients】
(1 capsule) Ibuprofen・・・ 200mg
Polysorbate 80, sodium hydroxide, gelatinized amber, xylitol, D-sorbitol and red number 102 as additives.

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: Designated second-class medicinal products

【Product details of ノーシンエフ200 (セルフメディケーション tax system symbol)]
●オレンジピンクの1カプセル中にイブプロフェン 200mgを with しています.
●The liquid form of イブプロフェンがスーット melts out, headaches and physical pains.
●1 time 1 カプセルでのみやすい.
●Men く な る ingredients が contains ま れ て い な い の で, meeting や Yun 転 を 気 に せ ず taking で き ま す.
●ノンカフェインなので Take it before going to bed.

【Effective effect】

・Headache, Moon pain (Physical pain), Low back pain, Eden pain, Pharyngeal headache, Arthralgia, Muscle pain, Nerve pain, Shoulder pain, Post-surgical pain, Thrashing pain, Ear pain, Fracture pain, Relief pain, Traumatic pain analgesia・Antipyretic when it is cold and hot

Dosage をなるべく Take it on an empty stomach.
Take it more than 6 hours apart.
Year: 1 dose: 1 dose per day Adult (over 15 years old): 1 カプセル: 2 times
15-year-old little child: taking しないこと

★Usage and dosage are related and careful
(1) Determination of usage and dosage.
(2) カプセルの取り出しfang カプセルの入っているPTPシートの convex part を refers to the first strong く毀して inside アルミ foil をbroken, and fetched てください. (Wrong ってそのままのみ込んだりすると esophagus mucous membrane に protruding き stabbing さ る and other thoughts わ ぬ accident に つ な が り ま す.)


(in 1 カプセル)
イブプロフェン: 200mg
Additives してポリソルベート80, water acidified Na, コハクゼラチン, キシリトール, D-ソルビトール, red 102 を contains する.

★ し て け な い い な い こと (Shouyao な な い と の の が 悪 し し し た り, side effects, accident が こ り やすく な こ り ます)をこしたことがある people. (2) The antipyretic and analgesic medicine of the original, and the people who take it with it. (3) A 15-year-old child. (4) Pregnant women who give birth within 12 weeks of the fixed day. 2. Take this medicine and take medicines such as しているは and 次のいずれの medical products. To talk to a doctor before taking a doctor, a orthodontist, a doctor of medicine, and a registered seller (2) Pregnant women are pregnant again. (3) People who are breastfeeding. (4) The tall ones. (5) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms are not caused by people. (6) The times of diagnosis are subject to people. Cardiac disease, kidney disease, liver disease, systemic エリテマトーデス, mixed combined tissue disease (7) times. Gastric/duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease Related sites: Symptoms Skin: rash, redness, redness, greenness Abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool Spiritual system: Circulator: Palpitation Respirator: Other: Eyes, ears, nose, nosebleeds, 歯ぐきのbleeds, bleeding stops, bleeding, back pain, excessive hypothermia .その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment The name of the symptoms: Symptoms ショック (アナフィラキシー): After taking it, すぐに, skin のかゆみ, じんましん, sound かすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, turbidity of breath, palpitation, and confusion of consciousness. Skin and mucous membrane eye syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン syndrome), toxic epidermis thawing syndrome: high fever, hyperemia of the eyes, eyesight, pain in the lips, pain in the lips, rash and redness of the skin, etc.悪化する. Liver dysfunction: fever, rash, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), brown urine, whole body, loss of appetite, etc. Kidney disorders: fever, rash, decrease in urine output, whole body, joint pain, diarrhea, etc. Aseptic meningitis: Symptoms such as headache, fever, vomiting, and vomiting are accompanied by symptoms. (このような症状は、特に全身性エリテマトーデス又は混合性結合組織病の治療を受けている人で多く報告されている。) ぜんそく:息をするときゼーゼー、ヒューヒューと鳴る、息苦しい等があらわれる。 Aplastic anemia: blueness, nosebleeds, bleeding, fever, skin, mucous membranes, whiteness, fatigue, palpitations, palpitations, restlessness, hematuria, etc. Agranulosphere disease: sudden high fever, さむけ, のどの pain み, etc. 3. After taking, the symptoms of the second time, the symptoms of the symptoms, the symptoms, the strong and the strong, the occasions, the stop of the use, the consultation with the doctor, the registration of the doctor, and the doctor. Constipation 4.3~4 times of use

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