
【Designated Class 2 Medicines】イブA Tablets EVE A Tablets Pain Reliever 60 Tablets

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商品重量:0.027 kg
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【Product desciption】

EVE A lozenges contain the pain reliever silofen, which suppresses the causes of pain and fever. In addition, it is also effective for menstrual cramps and headaches by mixing two ingredients that enhance the effect of analgesic ingredients.

Expected therapeutic effects include menstrual pain (physiological pain), headache, toothache, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, neuralgia, low back pain, shoulder pain, pain after tooth extraction, contusion pain, ear pain, trauma pain, etc. In addition, there is a certain antipyretic effect in the event of chills and fever.


Menstrual pain (physiological pain), headache, toothache, sore throat, joint pain, muscle pain, neuralgia, lower back pain, shoulder stiffness, pain after tooth extraction, bruising pain, ear pain, fracture pain, numbness pain, trauma pain relief, cold and fever antipyretic

【Usage and Dosage】
It should be taken up to 3 times a day. Avoid use on an empty stomach as much as possible and take with water or lukewarm water. Allow at least 4 hours between doses.

Adult (over 15 years old): 2 tablets at a time
Under 15: Do not take

【Ingredients】 (in 2 tablets)
Ibuprofen: 150mg: Inhibits the source of pain (prostaglandin production).
Allyl isopropyl acetocarbamide: 60 mg: A sedative that enhances the analgesic effect of ibuprofen.
Caffeine Anhydrous: 80 mg: Inhibits vasodilation and aids the analgesic effects of ibuprofen.
Additives: Croscarmellose sodium, silicic anhydride, cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hypromellose, polyethylene glycol, magnesium stearate, talc, titanium oxide

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


Distinguish medicines for general use
Antipyretic and analgesic herbs
Acknowledging the sale of イブA ingots
Product name イブA ingot
Product name (読み) イブアジョウ
Product's special feature
● イ ブ A ingot ingot, Pain ・ ・ ・ ・ に すばやく た た き き き を ブ イ ブ プロフェ ン に, そ の analgesic ・ Jiexi effect を ア ア ソ ソ プロピ プロピ プロピ セチ セチ と と カフェ カフェ カフェ し し た 剤 し
●Pain みのもとにしっかり role して, つらい pain み を よ く suppress え ま す.
●のみやすい Small grain no フィルムコーティング ingot です.
Note on use
(Shou ら な い と が オ 化 し た り, side effects and accidents が こ り や す く な り ま す.)
(1) The ingredients of the original and the ingredients of the original are によりアレルギー symptoms.
(2) The antipyretic and analgesic pills of this medicine are used for people.
(3) 15 is not a small child.
(4) Pregnant women who give birth within 12 weeks of the scheduled day.
2. Take this medicine and take it as a medicine
Antipyretic and analgesic herbs
3. After taking it, the transportation operation of the mechanical class is をしないでください
(Mianji, etc. があらわれることがあります.)
4. Before and after taking it
5. Long-term use しないでください
■Talk about すること
1. Second person, before taking the medicine
(1) Physicians are also treated by physicians.
(2) Pregnant women are pregnant again.
(3) People who are breastfeeding.
(4) The high-ranking person.
(5) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms をこしたことがある people.
(6) The times of diagnosis are subject to people. Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, systemic エリテマトーデス, mixed combined tissue disease
(7) The times of illness are people. Gastric/duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease

2. After taking, the symptoms and occasions, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking it directly, the instruction manual, the doctor, the doctor and the registered dealer, please talk to the seller.

[Relationship Site: Symptoms]
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ, cyanosis
Digestive organs: vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, stomach pain, endostomatitis, chest, stomach, gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool
Spiritual deity: めまい
Circulator: throbbing
Respirator: Shiki
そのすみ, ear なり, むくみ, nosebleed, 歯ぐきのbleeding, bleeding がstop まりにくい, bleeding, pain in the back, excessive hypothermia, からだがだるい

ま れ に 下记の重歸な Symptoms が こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment

[Name of symptom: symptom]
ショック (アナフィラキシー): After taking it, すぐに, skin のかゆみ, じんましん, sound かすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, pain relief, palpitation, turbidity of consciousness, etc.
Skin and mucous membrane eye syndrome (スティーブンス・ジョンソン syndrome), toxic epidermis thawing syndrome: high fever, hyperemia of the eyes, eyesight, pain in the lips, pain in the lips, rash and redness of the skin, etc.悪化する.
Liver dysfunction: fever, rash, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), brown urine, whole body だるさ, loss of appetite, etc.
Kidney disorders: fever, rash, decrease in urine output, whole body, whole body, joint pain, diarrhea, etc.
Aseptic meningitis: Symptoms such as headache, fever, vomiting, and vomiting are accompanied by symptoms. (このようなSymptoms は, Special Systemic エリテマトーデスは Treatment of Mixed Combination Tissue Disease を Receive け て い る 人 で 多 く Report さ れ て い る.)
ぜんそく: を す る と き ゼ ー ゼ ー, ヒ ュ ー ヒ ュ ー と Ming る, 沒ku しい, etc. が あ ら わ れ る.
Aplastic anemia: blueness, nosebleeds, bleeding, fever, skin, mucous membranes, whiteness, fatigue, palpitations, palpitations, restlessness, hematuria, etc.
Agranulosphere disease: sudden high fever, さむけ, のどの pain み, etc.

3. After taking the symptomsてください
constipation, sleeplessness

4. 5~6 times of use
Efficacy・Efficacy Lunar pain (physiological pain), Headache, Eden pain, Throat pain, Arthralgia, Muscle pain, Divine pain, Low back pain, Shoulder pain, Pain after piercing, throbbing pain, ear pain, fracture pain, knee pain, trauma pain relief
●Antipyretic when it is cold and hot
Performance related note
Usage and dosage times: 1 time, 3 times a day, limit, and when you are fasting, take it with water and soup. Take it more than 4 hours apart.

[Year: 1 round]
Adults (over 15 years old): 2 tablets
15 years ago: take しないこと

Notes on usage (1) Usage and dosage
(2) Ingot の take り し recipe
Ding 剤の入っているPTPシートの convex part を refers to the first strong く 沗して inside アルミ foil を broken り, fetch り し て お drink み く だ さ い. (Error っ て そ の ま ま drink み 込 ん だ り す る と esophageal mucosa に き さ る な ど 思 わ ぬ accident に つ な が り ま す.)
Ingredient in 2 lozenges
ingredient amount
イブプロフェン 150mg
アリルイソプロピルアセチル Urea 60mg
Anhydrous カフェイン 80mg
Additives: クロスカルメロースNa, anhydrous ケイacid, セルロース, ヒドロキシプロピルセルロース, ヒプロメロース, マクロゴール, ステアリン acid Mg, タルク, acidified チタン
Note on storage and storage (1) Keep in direct sunlight.
(2) Small children's hands will be kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by えないでください. (The reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わることがあります.)
(4) The period of use is をすぎたものは taking しないでください
Consultation with consumers Company name of Oguchi: Esu Esu Co., Ltd.
Ask い合わせ first: お客様 chat room
Tel: 0120-028-193
Payment time: 9:00 pm 17:30 pm まで
その Him: www.ssp.co.jp/
Manufactured and sold company Essex Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Additional document information
Company name: Esu Esu Co., Ltd.
Address: 〒163-1488 3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
sales club
Shaped ingot
"2" category medical medicines

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