加入好友 【Class 2 medicines】Ota Kampo Stomach Medicine II 54 Tablets – EBISU恵比壽日藥直送
【Class 2 medicines】Ota Kampo Stomach Medicine II 54 Tablets

【Class 2 medicines】Ota Kampo Stomach Medicine II 54 Tablets

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【Class 2 medicinal herbs】Ota Kampo Gastrointestinal Medicine II 54 Tablets


May improve neurogenic and chronic gastritis caused by autonomic disorders due to stress and other causes

[Usage] Take the following amount between meals or on an empty stomach Adult (over 15 years old): 3 tablets, 3 times a day
7-14 years: 2 tablets, 3 times a day
Under 7 years old: do not take

Ota Kampo Gastrointestinal Supplement II <Ingots> Kampo prescription の Anzhong San ブクリョウ (Poria) ※ を plus え る こと に よ っ て, effective き め を strengthen し ま し た.また, stomach アトニー (low function of the stomach) にもすぐれた effect をあらわします. Small grains of でのみやすい ingots.
※ブクリョウ (Poria): サルノコシカケにしし, the main body is the root of the pine tree.
The expiration date of medicinal products
Medical products are not limited to no limit, and the expiration date is more than 1 year. Within 1 year, the expiry date of the product is listed.
Note on use
■Talk about すること
1. The second person is to talk to the doctor again before taking it.
(2) Pregnant women are pregnant again.
(3) までに斬により発rash・智red, かゆみ, etc. こしたことがある people.
2. The second occasion is that, after taking it, the symptoms of the second time are at the same time as the occasion [Relational part: symptom]
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ(2)1 month position
Moderate or lower physical strength, abdominal strength, allergies, stomach pain, abdominal pain, ときにchest, げっぷ, stomach もたれ, loss of appetite, vomiting, vomiting gastritis, chronic gastritis, gastrointestinal weakness
The amount of time is taken between meals (before going to bed) and when you are on an empty stomach.
[Year: 1 dose: the number of times per day]
Adult (over 15 years old): 3 tablets: 3 times
7 to 14 years old: 2 tablets: 3 times
Before 7 years old: take しないこと※ between meals and 2 to 3 hours after eating.
The usage is related to the use of small children, and the occasion of taking it, and the guidance and supervision of the protector.
ingredient amount
Ingredients in 9 tablets: Anzhong powder plus fenugreek powder 2100mg
270mg of Anchuan Bulk (ブクリョウ810mg, 486mg each of ケイヒ・ゴサク・ボレイ, 324mg each of ウイキョウ・シュクシャ・カンゾウ 324mg, リョウキョョョウイキョウ・シュクシャ・カンゾウ ケイヒ・ゴサク・ボレイ each 486mg)
Additives: ヒドロキシプロピルセルロース
Keep it safe
(1) Keep it in the place of direct sunlight.
(2) Small children's hands will be kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by えないでください. (The reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わることがあります.)
(4) After the expiration date is over, the product should be taken and taken.

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