【Second Class Medical Drugs】スマイル40 premium LION Smile40 primium eye drops 15ml/bottle

【Second Class Medical Drugs】スマイル40 premium LION Smile40 primium eye drops 15ml/bottle

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商品重量:0.035 kg
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【Class 2 medicines】《ライオン》 スマイル40 プレミアム 15ml

【Function effect
Corneal protection, tear stabilization, nutritional supplementation, metabolism promotion, focus adjustment, inflammation sedation, decongestion

Three to six times a day, one to three drops each time

【Usage Notes】
(1) Excessive use may cause glare or even eye congestion.
(2) When used for children, please use it under the guidance and supervision of a guardian.
(3) Do not let the tip of the container touch your eyes, eyelids or eyelashes (this may cause contamination or foreign objects to enter the eyes).
(4) Do not use while wearing contact lenses.
(5) Please only use as eye medicine


リニューアルににい, パッケージ, and content, etc., will be notified when it comes to changing occasions. To め ご 䁏 だ さ い.

Commodity classification: the second category of medical products

【Product details of スマイル40プレミアム】
●Old age やるすみに によるによるによるにるみに 10 kinds of active ingredients have a good effect and stability → (1)ビタミンA (35,000 単)

・ Corner の Protection → (2) コ ン ド ロ ロ イ チ ン sulfate Sulfuric acid hydrazine・かゆみ suppression→(8) クロルフェニラミンマレインacid hydration・inflammation sedation→(9) イプシロン-アミノカプロンacid・congestion removal→(10) sulfonic acid テトラヒドロゾリン ●Anti-preservative without added antiseptic effectています.
Anti-corrosion agent (ベンザルコニウム塩など) を with していません.
Expiration date, storage method, anti-corrosion agent and cooperation.

【Effective effect】

Eye no tired れ, Eye no か す み ( Eye や に の 多いと な ど), eye disease preventionその他のLight による ophthalmia (Snow eyes など), ハードコンタクトレンズを pretending to be unpleasant

・3-6 times a day, 1-3 drops per time, してください
★Usage and dosage are related, attention, excessive use, abnormal feeling, and congestion.
・Use させる には in the case of 小児に, and use させてください for the guidance and supervision of the protector.
・Container の first を や ま ぶ た, ま つ に れ さ せ な い で く だ さ い (contamination, foreign matter mixed in (やにやほこり, etc.)また, turbid したものは use しないでください.

・ソフトコンタクトレンズを use しないでください with したまま.
・Use してください for eye drops.


(in 100mL)
レチノールパルミチンエステル (ビタミンA): 35000 unit acetic acid d-α-トコフェロール (natural type ビタミンE): 0.05g
ピリドキシンミンB6: 0.03g
コンドロイチン Sulfuric acid エステルナトリウム: 0.05g
タウリン (nutrient ingredient): 0.1g
L-Aspalatonic acid カリウム (nutrient ingredient): 0.2g
ネオスチグミンメチル sodium sulfate: 0.005g
クロルフェニラミンマレイン Acid: 0.03g
Sour acid テトラヒドロゾリン: 0.01g
イプシロン-アミノカプロン acid: 1.0g
Additives: ホウacid, トロメタモール, エデトacid Na, BHT, ポリオキシエチレン hardening ヒマシ oil, ポリソルベート80, プロピレングリコール, L-メントル, d-boul, pH adjustment


★Talking about すること
1. The second person should talk to the doctor and the doctor before using it.
(1) The doctor's treatment is subject to the person.
(2) 薬などによりアレルギー Symptoms をこしたことがある people.
(3) People with symptoms of the second time.は げ し い し の pain
(4) The second diagnosis is subject to the person. glaucoma
2. After use, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of use, the doctor, the doctor and the registered dealer Rash・Redness
3. In the second occasion, use it, stop it, and use it.
(1) To improve the situation of the eyes.
(2) Use it for 5 to 6 days in the event of symptoms and symptoms.

★Caution on storage and retrieval
(1) When the sun shines directly, it is safe to keep it in the place where the sun shines. Keep the quality, and place it in a place with high temperature (above 40 degrees) near the automatic heating device in the car.
(2) Small children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is replaced by え な い で く だ さ い (the reason for misuse is に な っ た り quality が 変 わ り ま す.).
(4) Other people and shared しないでください.
(5) The expiration date (the bottom surface of the outer box) has passed the product and can be used.
なお, within the expiry date であっても once opened した は, なるべく early くご use ください.
(6) The container is in a horizontal position, the state of preservation is in the state of preservation, and the first part of the container is in the crystal of the ingredients.その occasion に は clean な ガ ー ゼ で 軽 く ふ き fetch っ て ご use く だ さい.

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