【Class 2 Healing Products】Taisho Diarrhea Stopping Antidiarrheal Medicine (for children) 6 packs

【Class 2 Healing Products】Taisho Diarrhea Stopping Antidiarrheal Medicine (for children) 6 packs

  • ¥440
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商品重量:0.02 kg
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【Class 2 medicines】6 packs

【Product desciption】

An antidiarrheal for children and infants in easy-to-take, banana-flavored fine granules that dissolve quickly in the mouth.
Babies over 3 months can take it, and its 5 ingredients are effective in improving diarrhea.

【Function effect】
Diarrhea, diarrhea caused by indigestion, food poisoning, loose stools, etc.

5-7 years old: 1 pack at a time,
3-4 years old: 2/3 pack at a time,
1-2 years old: 1/2 pack at a time,
Over 3 months and under 1 year: 1/4 sachet at a time,
Take up to three times a day.
Allow at least 4 hours between doses.

[Ingredient content] 1 pack of berberic acid tannin... 30 mg, tannin albumin... 440 mg, biological enzymes 2000... 30 mg, vitamin B1 nitrate... 2 mg, vitamin B2. .. 1 mg


Manufacturer Taisho Seisakusho Co., Ltd.
Unpleasant diarrhea symptoms can be improved, and diarrhea can be consumed. B1 and B2 can be replenished.
Small さなお子さまにも taking させやすいバナナおおまにす.
The expiration date of medicinal products
Medical products are not limited to no limit, and the expiration date is more than 1 year. Within 1 year, the expiry date of the product is listed.
Note on use
This 剤は小児 uses ですが, diarrhea stop め薬として定められた general な precautions を record し て い ま す.してはいけないこと
The second person is taking the ingredients of this medicine, and the symptoms of cow milk are not high enough.
■Talk about すること
1. The second person is to talk to the doctor before taking the medicine, and the doctor and the doctor to log in to the dealer.
(2) People with diarrhoea and diarrhoea, people with bloody stools and 続く people with mucus stools.
(3) Acute diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal distention, and other symptoms are accompanied by diarrhea.
(This 扤で unreasonable に dysentery を stop め る と か え っ て illness 気 を 悪 Hua さ せ る こ と が あ り ま す)
(4) The high-ranking person.
(5) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms をこしたことがある people.
2. After taking it, the symptoms of the second time, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking it directly, the instruction manual, the doctor, the doctor, the doctor and the registered seller.
Skin ふ: rash, redness, か ゆ み ま れ に の heavy stubborn symptoms, こ る こと が あ り ま す.その occasion は Straight ち に Physician's diagnosis and treatment
[Name of symptom: symptom]
ショック (アナフィラキシー): After taking it, すぐに, skin のかゆみ, じんましん, sound かすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, pain relief, palpitation, turbidity of consciousness, etc.
3. 5 ~ 6 days of use
Diarrhea, dyspepsia, diarrhea, eating, eating, drinking, belly, loose stools
The amount of times is 3 times a day, and the limit is to take it.
Take it more than 4 hours apart.
[Year: 1 dose: the number of times to be taken]
5~7 days: 1 pack: 3 times a day まで
3~4 days: 2/3 packs: 3 times a day まで
1~2 days: 1/2 pack: 3 times a day まで
3 months to 1 day: 1/4 pack: 3 times a day まで
3 months before the end of the month: take care related to the usage and usage (1) set められた usage and dosage.
(2) When a small child takes the occasion, the guardian's guidance and supervision will take it.
(3) 1st time, the doctor's diagnosis and treatment should be given priority, and the only occasions should be taken.
ingredient amount
1 pack (1.2g) of ingredients タンニンベルベリン 30mg
ビオヂアスターゼ 2000 30mg
タンブミン 440mg
チアミン Nitrate 2mg
riboflavin 1mg
Additives バレイショデンプン, sugar, トウモロコシデンプン, メタケイケイシミンミンacid Mg, ヒドロキシプロピルセルロース, fragrance, ゼラチン, ソルビタンルエステ
Keep it safe
(1) Keep it in the place of direct sunlight.
(2) 小児の手のとどかないににしてください.
(3) His container is れかえないでください. (The reason for misuse is になったりQuality が変わることがあります)
(4) 1 sachet should be taken when it is broken or left, and it should be taken within 2 days.
(5) After the expiration date is over, the product should be taken and taken.
consumer talk
Company name: Taisho Seisakusho Co., Ltd. Inquiries
Payment time: 8: 30 ~ 21: 00 (earth, sun, and celebration)
Taisho Sesame Co., Ltd., a manufacturer and distributor
Company name: Taisho Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Address: 3-24-1 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
お ask い 合 わ せ first
Contact first: Taisho Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 119 Room 03-3985-1800 Payment time: 8:30~21:00
country of origin
Commodity division

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