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Of all the altruisms, which one should I eat?

Posted by StaffEbisu on

When it comes to vitamin supplements for fatigue recovery, the first thing that comes to your mind is Takeda Altruism
But there are many kinds of Takeda and Ralutism, which one should you choose?

Before comparing various altruistic drugs, let's take a look at why altruistic drugs can eliminate fatigue!

Takeda アリナミン Helixin all series have vitamin B1 inducer (Fursultiamine)

"Fursultiamine" can produce a large amount of "activated vitamin B 1 " in the human body, making up for the weakness of vitamin B 1 that is difficult to absorb.

Three characteristics of vitamin B1 inducer (Fursultiamine)

①Compared with vitamin B1, the intestinal absorption is excellent

②Can be well transported to muscles, nerves and other tissues

③Producing a lot of "active vitamin B1"

One of the causes of fatigue for modern people who suffer from "deficient cellular energy"

Vitamin B1 inducer (Fursultiamine) is a key factor in recovery from fatigue.

Comparison of various types of Takeda Helix




EX Plus

EX Plus Alpha




Suitable for children over 7 years old

Improve constipation

daily maintenance

Improve constipation

daily maintenance

Fatigue Countermeasures

Three nutrients work effectively

With vitamin B2

Use when you are particularly uncomfortable

folic acid supplementation for pregnant women

recommend to you

He was already asleep, but his body was still heavy when he woke up in the morning.

Begin to realize the condition of physical fatigue.

When you have to pay attention to the symptoms of the eyes, shoulders, and waist as you age.

Eyes feel tired after prolonged use.

Symptoms such as pain deep in the eyes, inability to focus, and blurring.

Accumulated day fatigue, physical exhaustion.

Daily supply of vitamin B1.

As I get older, I feel tired from the symptoms of my eyes, shoulders, and waist every day, and I want to find a solution.

No matter how much I massaged my shoulders, it immediately became stiff again.

The shoulders to the neck feel stiffer than usual, uncomfortable, painful, etc.

The level of exhaustion is the same as before.

I want to stay young all the time.

The waist feels heavy, and I am worried that it will flash to the waist at any time.

I usually have low back pain.
But suddenly it hurts more than usual.





EX Plus

EX Plus Alpha


Vitamin B1

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B6

Active Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12

Active Vitamin B12


Vitamin E

natural vitamin E


gamma oryzanol

folic acid

Introduction of various vitamins



Vitamin B1


  • Participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and act as an important coenzyme in calorie conversion, assisting in the completion of the reaction.
  • It is required to maintain muscle coordination and nerve conduction, and is related to the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  • Maintain the balance of water in the body and expel excess water from the body.
  • Effectively reduce the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles and avoid symptoms such as muscle pain, weakness, and fatigue.

Vitamin B2

  • Assist the normal metabolism of carbohydrates (carbohydrates), fat and protein, especially for fat metabolism, reduce fat accumulation and avoid vascular sclerosis and other effects.
  • Important nutrients for growth and development.
  • Maintain skin health and promote skin, hair and nail growth.
  • Maintain mucosal repair and avoid endostomatitis.
  • Helps eye health and reduces eye fatigue.
  • It is related to the oxidative reaction and antioxidant mechanism in cells, and maintains normal cell function.
  • It is related to the absorption of iron and affects the production of red blood cells.
  • Assist in the manufacture of antibodies.

Vitamin B6

  • Assist in the removal of nitrogenous waste
  • Antibody synthesis
  • Manufacture of stomach acid in the digestive system
  • Fat and protein utilization (especially when losing weight)
  • Maintains sodium/potassium balance (stabilizes the nervous system)

Vitamin B12

  • relieve fatigue
  • enhance memory
  • improve sleeping
  • Helps produce red blood cells
  • Involved in DNA synthesis
  • Helps synthesize protein
  • Helps generate brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that prevent depression
  • Improve nerve function

Mecobalamin methylcobalamin (B12)


  • A vitamin that repairs peripheral nerve damage.
  • Has the function of repairing damaged peripheral nerves. Peripheral nerves are composed of proteins and phospholipids that need to be replenished to repair when damaged.
  • Promote the synthesis of proteins and phospholipids, repair peripheral nerve damage.

Vitamin E


It can improve blood circulation in all corners of the human body, and is an excellent health food during physical fatigue, during or after illness, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

Can be used to treat anemia caused by folic acid deficiency. Folic acid is also a nutritional supplement for pregnant women. Long-term folic acid supplementation was associated with a small reduction in the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Insufficient acid intake can lead to folic acid deficiency, which can lead to macrocytic anemia. Symptoms include fatigue, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, sores on the tongue, and changes in skin or hair color. Children with insufficient dietary intake may experience symptoms after one month. Folic acid deficiency occurs.


The main components of oryzanol are "ferulic acid ester" and "phytoenol", which account for about 1-2% of the rice husk. It is an indispensable and good nutrient for regulating physiological functions.
Adjustable physiology to maintain health.
It can be combined with the diet to promote metabolism.
A moderate amount of oryzanol can also help you fall asleep.

Do you know which one is right for you? Go to Yebisu Japanese medicine direct delivery to choose now! ! !

Recommended reading:
Anti-aging holy product 3+1, if you don't eat it, you will be old!!

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