[Quaternary medicines] LION contact lens lubricating aid before wearing (5ml*2/ 8ml)

[Quaternary medicines] LION contact lens lubricating aid before wearing (5ml*2/ 8ml)

  • ¥590
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商品重量:0.027 kg
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【Quaternary medicines】スマイルコンタクトファインフィット

【Product Description
●When wearing contact lenses, just drop 1 to 3 drops directly on the contact lenses ●Suppress the roughness of the eyes and fit the eyes comfortably, making it easier to wear contact lenses.
●Contains [Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium], which is very skin-friendly to the eyes
<Function of Smile Contact Fine Fit Plus>
Can be used on all contact lenses.
(1) Smooth fit for all contact lenses Three types of polymer pad assemblies reduce lens hardness and foreign body sensation and make it easier to wear.
(2) Easy to wear on the eyes, ideal for containing polymers (sodium chondroitin sulfate) that enhance the skin-friendly nature of contact lenses
(3) "High Water Retention Polymer" prevents the lens from drying out (4) Inhibits protein stains and prevents lens fogging

[Ingredient content] Hypromellose in 100ml: 1.0g polyvinyl alcohol (partially saponified): 2.0g chondroitin sulfate: 0.05g
Potassium L-Aspartate: 0.1 g aminoethylsulfonic acid (taurine): 1.0 g

【Usage Notes】
Wet both sides of contact lenses with 1 to 3 drops before wearing.
(1) If it is to be used for children, please use it under the guidance and supervision of a guardian.
(2) Do not let the tip of the container touch contact lenses or fingers (this may cause dirt or foreign objects (eyes, dust, etc.)), and do not use cloudy containers.
(3) Do not wear contact lenses.
(4) If you use this medicine eye drops after wearing contact lenses, please wait at least 30 minutes before use.

【Notes on use and storage】
(1) Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. To preserve the quality, do not place it in a hot place (40°C or higher), such as in a car or near a heater.
(2) Please keep it out of the reach of children.
(3) Do not replace other containers (this may cause misuse or change the quality).
(4) Please do not share with others.
(5) Do not use the product after the expiration date (written on the bottom of the outer frame). Please use it as soon as possible after opening, even within the expiration date.
(6) Depending on the storage conditions or when the container is placed on its side, crystals of the ingredients may adhere to the top or lid of the container. In this case, wipe gently with a clean gauze before use.

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Product division: Quasi-medicine

【Product details of スマイルコンタクトファインフィットフィット】
●コンタクトレンズを use していると, レンズのゴロゴロ sense, foreign body sense, dry きなどの unpleasant feeling, じることがあります.こ れ は, 涙 の amount が less な く な っ てい て, Hitomi に burden を か け て い る の で す. "スマイルコンタクトファインフィット", にレンズに direct 1-3 drops of つけるだけで, a film of polymer and acid ingredients when it is installed.レンズのゴロゴロ sense な ど の foreign body sense を お さ え, を を に し て, ふ ん わ り と し た レ ン ズ の フ ィ ット sense を 実 し ま す. Every day's コンタクトライフを is fast and comfortable.
● レンズと Hitomi no クッション role でレンズが Hitomi にやさしくフィットします.
The high-molecular-acid components have moderate viscosity and are easy to put on.
●レンズのくもりを ぎます.
タンパクなどのレンズ sorption prevention に れ た ingredients を combined with し て い ま す.
●All てのコンタクトレンズ (ソフト・書い屋て・O2・ハード) に安してえます.

【Sales name】Sumayulkontekto

【Effective effect】
・ソフトコンタクトレンズはハードコンタクトレンズの outfit is easy.

・コンタクトレンズの両面を1 time 1~3 drops でぬらしたのち with してください.
(1) レンズにdirect, liquid をつける.
(2) そのままレンズを Hitomi is wearing する.
※After filling, when the liquid is overflowing, it can be used for cleaning. Crystallization of ingredients
★Usage and dosage are related to care, use in small children, occasions, and protector's guidance and supervision.
・Container's first をコンタクトレンズ, finger にtouch れさせないでください.また, turbid したものは use しないでください. (The cause of contamination and foreign matter mixing (やにやホコリ, etc.)
・コンタクトレンズを use しないでください with したまま.
・Use いてコンタクトレンズを with したにににをををする when using the をはをはははコンタクトレンズを あけてご use ください.


(in 100mL)
L-Aspurakon Sour カリウム・・・0.1g
アミノエチルスルホン Acid・・・1.0g
ポリビニルアルコール (partial product)・・・2.0g
Additives, エデトacid Na, シクロデキストリン, 塩化ベンザルコニウム, pH adjuster containing む.

★Caution on use<Talking about すること>
・Before using the second person, we should talk to the doctor again and talk to the doctor again.
(1) The doctor's treatment is subject to the person.
(2) I am a person with a physique of the family.
(3) People with symptoms of 斬によりアレルギー.
(4) People with symptoms of times. / は げ し い は げ し い は げ し い は げ し い は げ し い は は は は は は は ち に を STOP し を っ て Physician は 薬 剬剤 teacher に し て く だ さ い.
(1) After use, the occasion of the symptoms

(Relational parts・・・Symptoms)
Skin rash・・・ rash・redness

★Caution on storage and storage, and direct sunlight. Keep it safe.
・Children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
・His container is replaced by えないでください. (Causes of misuse になったりQuality が変わります)
・His own person and shared しないでください.
・After opening, the storage state of the container is the same, and the crystal of the ingredients is the first white of the container.そのoccasion には, cleaning なガーゼなどで軽くwiping きってください.
・The expiration date (the bottom of the outer box) の ぎ た は し な い で く だ さ い.
★コンタクトレンズズごUse of のinternational attention・コンタクトレンズをとり汱う前に, よく手をwashing にしてください.
・コンタクトレンズをcleaning, また, normal preservation, preservation, and cleaning
・Regardless of the use of prescriptions and ophthalmologists, you should check regularly.

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