[Second-class medicinal products] Dongguang Pharmaceutical JF Low Back Pain Shoulder Pain Relief Patch DX 21pcs/box

[Second-class medicinal products] Dongguang Pharmaceutical JF Low Back Pain Shoulder Pain Relief Patch DX 21pcs/box

  • ¥850
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商品重量:0.098 kg
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【Class 2 medical products】 ラクペタンDXテープα 21pcs

【Product desciption】

Effective in treating shoulder, lower back and muscle pain. The effect lasts for 24 hours. Omni-directional retractable, close to the skin.

Function effect

Joint pain, shoulder pain associated with stiff shoulders, tendonitis (hand/wrist pain), elbow pain (tennis elbow, etc.), muscle pain, back pain, bruises, sprains

[Ingredient content] 1.5g of paste per 100g
Diclofenac sodium・・・ 1g


ラク~にはがれてペタンとはれる shoulder, waist, muscle pain みに! L-メントール 3.5% blend
1 time a day, 24 hours a day

Joint pain, shoulder pain, tenosynovitis, elbow pain, muscle pain, low back pain, fluttering, twitching

【internal volume】
21 pieces

【Ingredients and Quantity】Jiclos フェナクナトリウム・・・2.0g in 100g paste

Additives・・・イソステアリン ACID, BHT, スチレン, イソプレン, スチレンブロックコポリマー, テルペン resin, スクワラン, flow パラフィン

○プラスチックフィルムをはがし, 1 to 2 pieces of を affected area にしてください once a day.ただし, 1 time あたり 2 pieces をSuper えて use しないでください.なお, this ingredient を contains む む を を を for external use together with しないでください.
○ 15-year-old pre-existing small children use しないでください.

【Usage and dosage are related to the attention】
(1) Dosage and usage をおりください.
(2) 1 time あたり24 hours を超えてPost り続けないでください. It should be used when symptoms such as rash, redness, かゆみ, and かぶれ are used on occasions such as
(3) Reasons such as Ben 剤 み み, Pain 剤 れ れ れ の っ な っ る い る 気 を する では では では では では では では では み やは の み み み を を を する 薬剤 で で で で が ある し し し て い.
(4) Sweat を か い た り, the affected part が ぬ れ て い る は, よ く き fetch っ て か ら use し て く だ さ い.
(5) Symptoms such as skin rashes, rashes, rashes, rashes, etc. will start after use before use. Use してください for sure.
(6) Concomitant use of the same topical agent on the same part of the body.

【Note on use】
(Shou ら な い と の Symptoms が 悪 Hua し た り, Side Effects が こ り や す く な り ま す)
1. 次の人は use しないでください
(1) Ingredient of this genitalia によりアレルギー Symptoms をこしたことがある person.
(2) ぜ ん そ く を こ し た こと が あ る people.
(3) Pregnant women ま た は pregnancy し て い る と 思われる people.
(4) A 15-year-old child.
2. Use しないでください
(1) The perimeter of the eyes, mucous membranes, etc.
(2) Eczema, かぶれ, wounds.
(3) みずむし・たむし etc. または purulent part.
3. The original use of している喬は, his topical analgesic and anti-inflammatory 薬を combined with しないでください
4. Consecutive use for more than 2 weeks
1. The second person is a doctor and a doctor before using it
(1) The doctor's treatment is subject to the person.
(2) His medical products are used by people.
(3) 薬などによりアレルギー symptoms are caused by people.
(4) テープ剤でかぶれ and others.
(5) The times of diagnosis are subject to people. Peptic ulcer, blood disorder, liver disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, インフルエンザ
(6) Subsequent medical treatment products are given to people who receive them. Niteria Antibacterial Agent
2. During use, after use, secondary symptoms, occasions, the possibility of side effects, direct use, discontinuation of use, instructions, doctor, doctor, log in with the seller, chat, relationship Part: Leather]
Symptoms: rash・rednessが上こることがあります.その occasion は Straight ちに Physician's diagnosis and treatment
Symptoms: After use, すぐに, ふのかゆみ, じんましん, sound かすれ, くしゃみ, のどのかゆみ, pain relief, palpitation, cloudiness of consciousness, etc.
[Name of symptoms: contact dermatitis, light allergy]
Symptoms: Symptoms such as rash, redness, irritation, blisters, skin irritation, hyperpigmentation, vitiligo, medium rash, redness, and whole body広がることがあります.ま た, sunlight が when た っ た parts に symptoms が あ ら わ れ た り, 悪化することがあります.
3. 5~6 days of use

【Notes on storage and retrieval】
(1) Keep it in the place of direct sunlight.
(2) Small children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
(3) His container is れかえないでください. (Causes of misuse, quality, quality, and quality)
(4) Keep the quality, put the unused bags into the bags, and keep the openings closed.
(5) After the expiration date is over, the product can be used only if it is used.

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