180 tablets of naris Naris oyster
【Product Description】
Oyster Extract – Isoflavones is a health food containing enzyme-treated Hiroshima oyster extract, soy isoflavones and ginger extract.
【Ingredients and Ingredients】
Oyster Meat Extract Powder (Oyster Meat Plus, Dextrin) (Domestic Manufacturing), Reduced Maltose Syrup, Isoflavone-Containing Soybean Extract, Ginger Extract Powder, Saponin-Containing Soybean Extract, Garlic Extract Powder/Yeast Cell Wall, Na ferric citrate, fine-grained silica, glycerin, calcium stearate, colorant (titanium dioxide), sweetener (sorbitol), guar gum, cannaubaro
Take 6 capsules daily without chewing with water or hot water.
If you are allergic or have a medical condition or are undergoing treatment, please consult your doctor before taking.
*In rare cases, some people's constitution is not suitable for taking it, so if you feel uncomfortable, please stop using it temporarily and consult a physician.
*Do not use for the following persons: pregnant women, nursing mothers, nursing children, infants and children.
*Please keep it out of the reach of babies.
*Please consume as soon as possible.
• After opening, close the lid tightly.
*Due to the characteristics of the raw materials, the shade difference and unevenness of each product may be visible, but there is no problem with the quality.
*Please refer to the daily intake to avoid overdose.
Soy isoflavones and glycerin, containing 15 mg per 6 capsules per day.
The diet is mainly composed of staple food, main dishes and side dishes, and a balanced diet.
Product Information Oyster エキス & イソフラボンは, "Sea のミルク" and "Oyster" produced by もイわれている広島produced "Oyster", enzyme-treated した oyster エキスto soybean イソフラボン, ginger エキスを combined with した healthy food.ごFamily's Health Maintenance
Name: カキ エ キ ス キ ス キ ス キ ス キ ス キ ス キ ス キ ス キ ス エ (Oyster Meat エ キ ス, デ キ ス トリン) (domestic production), Rejuvenating malt syrup, イソフラボン containing soybean extract, ショウガエキスキスエキス, サポニン containing soybean extract Ninnicketsu end/yeast cell wall, kusen acid Na, fine particle acid zeolite, グリセリン, ステアリンカルシウム, coloring material (diacidification チタン), sweetener (ソルビトール), グァーガム, カウルナ
(おcalls し上がりfang)
6 capsules a day, をたはお湯などと一網に, 噛まずにお書し上がりください.
(ご Note)
◆アレルギー・Disease no あ る や や を Receive け い る る は, おcall し上がり前にDoctor にご chat ください.
◆まれに physique に 合 わ な い Fang も ご ざ い ま す の で, body tone の す ぐ れ な い occasions, に は ご use を one-time suspension し て く だ さい.
◆Pregnant women, breastfeeding, breastfeeding, and small children should use はおおえください.
◆The session of the hands of the juvenile children is かないところに safekeeping してください.
◆After opening, it will be called し上がりください.
◆After opening the plug, keep it safe.
◆In terms of the characteristics of raw materials, the quality of the products, and the quality problems.
◆ 1 day's 摂 fetching eye safety を reference に, over-cut 摂 fetching は お え く だ さい.
◆Soybean イソフラボンアグリコントして, 6 capsules a day, 15mg contains しています.
◆Eat life は, staple food, main dish, side dish を basic に, food affairs no バランスを.
※Japanese products are frequently updated. If you receive a product that does not match the detailed picture, please refer to the actual product you received. In addition, after cross-border long-distance transportation, the outer packaging of the product may appear indentation, micro-damage, seal (if any) detachment, and the date of printing may be worn due to scratches and collisions, but it usually does not affect the quality of the product.