【Designated Class 2 Medical Products】Asada Yezi for せきどめドロップG ぶどう Flavor Asada Yee Children's Cough Lotion G Grape Flavor 30 Capsules/Box

【Designated Class 2 Medical Products】Asada Yezi for せきどめドロップG ぶどう Flavor Asada Yee Children's Cough Lotion G Grape Flavor 30 Capsules/Box

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【Designated Class 2 medical products】Asada yakiniku offering せきどめドロップG ぶどう flavor

Items that are limited in quantity on sale (おひとり様1 point まで)

【product details】
●Contains 3 active ingredients, effective for cough or asthmatic cough.
● Sugar-free and use ingredients that are less likely to cause tooth decay.
● Sugar-coated, easy for children to take.

cough, wheezing, tanning, sore throat, hoarse voice, sore throat, sore throat, sore throat, swollen throat

【Usage/ Dose
Take the following amount and chew slowly. Allow at least 2 hours between doses.
8-14 years: 2 tablets: 6 times a day
5-7 years: 1 tablet: 6 times a day
Under 5 years old: do not take

Designated category 2 medical products, please note (contraindication) on the use of medical products, please confirm ください. Log in to the seller, にご chat, ください.


30 tablets of せきどめドロップG ぶどう flavor 【Asada 饴】
「子供せきどめドロップG ぶどう味30錠」は、dl-メチルエフェドリン塩酸塩など3種の有効成分を配合した、お子さまのつらいせきやたん、のどの痛みに効く鎮咳去痰薬です。
カロリーや Sugar が気になるfang も take できるシュガーレスのドロップタイプ. Insect 歯にもなりにくい raw materials を use しています.
The sugar-coating technique of 伝orthodox, the good いドロップ of 舐め心地の良いドロップ剤.にがいお薬がkushou なお子さまも take できる「好薬にして口にGANし」なお薬です.

■Internal capacity: 30 tablets

Efficacy and effect: せき, stridorはれ

■Usage and capacity: 1 time per time, 6 times a day, and in the mouth, take it with you. Take it more than 2 hours apart.
8 to 14: 1 round 2 ingots
5~7 days: 1 time 1 ingot
5 years ago: take しないこと
●Sure められた usage and dosage.
●Occasionally, if you are taking a small child, you should take it if you are a protector's guide and supervise.

■Note on use: してはいけないこと
(Shou ら な い と の Symptoms が 悪 Hua し た り, Side Effects が こ り や す く な り ま す.)
Take this medicine and use it as a medicine.
He's antitussive and phlegm-relieving medicine, かぜ medicine, sedative medicine

●Talk about すること
1. The second person should talk to the doctor and the doctor before taking the medicine, and the registered dealer again.
(1) Physician's treatment
(2) Pregnant women who are pregnant again
(3) People who are breastfeeding
(4) High-ranking people
(5) こしたことがある
(6) High fever ある people
(7) Diagnosis of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid dysfunction
2. After taking it, the symptoms and occasions, the possibility of side effects, the possibility of side effects, the discontinuation of taking it directly, the instructions for the product, the doctor, the doctor, and the registered seller, please contact us.
【Relationship site: Symptoms】
Skin: rash, redness, かゆみ
Digestive organ: vomiting, vomiting, loss of appetite
Spiritual deity: めまい
3. After 5 to 6 times of use, if you have symptoms and symptoms, you should stop taking it, stop taking it, and talk to a doctor, a doctor, and a registered dealer.

■Ingredients and quantities: 12 tablets
dL-メチルエフェドリン塩acid: 25mg
クレゾールスルホン Acid カリウム: 90mg
セチルピリジニウム塩 hydrated substance: 3mg
Added objects: Returning Yuanshui ア 物, Returning Mattabide water, グ リ チ ル リ チ ン 2K, ア セ ス ル ファム K, ビタミ ン C, ア ラ ビ ア ゴム, カ ル ク, サ ラ シミ ツロウ, シ リ コ ー ン resin エ ス エ ス エ ス テ, cmc-na, spice, プロピレ ングリコール

■Notes on storage and retrieval: (1) In the case of 5 years ago, you should take it when you are young.
(2) When the sun shines directly on the sun, it is a place where the sun shines.
(3) Small children's hands are kept at the place where they are kept.
(4) His container is replaced by え な い で く だ さ い (the reason for misuse is に な っ た り quality が 褉 し ま す).
(5) After the expiration date is over, the product should be taken and taken.なお, within the expiry date, and after opening, take it early.

■Expiration period: The period of use is more than 1 year.

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